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  2. 月球因本身不發光,我們所見的月光是經月面反射的太陽光,由於月球繞地球公轉,當太陽和月球在天球上經度相同時,月球的背光面向著地球所以看不到月光,叫做合朔,定為陰曆月的開始,當月球繞到距日180度時,這時受光面全部對著地球,我們可見一輪明月,叫做望,月球由朔至望再回到朔 ...

  3. During the Moon's revolution around the Earth, it is called a full moon when the Moon moves to a difference of 180 degrees with respect to the longitude of the Sun. At this time the illuminated side of the moon is facing the Earth and a full moon can be seen.

  4. 當天空中有冰晶組成的卷層雲圍繞在太陽或月亮的周圍時,偶而會出現一個或兩個以上的彩色光環圍繞在太陽或月亮的四周,呈現內紅外紫的排列,有時還會見到一些彩色或白色的光斑和光弧。這種出現光圈、光斑及光弧等光學現象統稱為「暈象」(halo phenomena)。

  5. The diameter of Venus is 12,104km, slightly smaller than the Earth. Its mass is 0.82 times of the Earth, and it has very thick atmosphere. The orbital period of Venus is about 225 days. Its rotation period is 243 days, but the direction of rotation is opposite to that ...

  6. 07fW01256 中央氣象局氣象報告 112年6月25日11時0分發布 6月25日8時天氣概況: 一、高氣壓1018百帕,在北緯28度,東經139度,即在日本南方海面,中心近似滯留。 二、今、明(25日、26日)兩天臺灣各地及澎湖為多