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  1. Since 1972, the Hong Kong Jockey Club has offered a comprehensive training programme for youngsters who want to join the racing industry for 50 years. Many of the Club's trainees have gone on to become world-famous racing heroes who represent Hong Kong in international competitions as jockeys, trainers and other professionals.

  2. Click here to download Excel format Jockey Trainer Combo & Trainers' Debutants Performance in HK will be available at 2:00pm on the day before raceday. Play Responsibly

  3. How to become a Racing Trainee - Daily Life. The training of Racing Trainees is very tough. Trainees have to be absolutely determined and devoted, so as to cope with the rigorous schedule. A typical day for the trainees in Apprentice Jockeys' School is outlined below: 3:30 Wake up and prepare for trackwork.

  4. Horse Racing - The Hong Kong Jockey Club. 中文. > Horse Racing. > Football.

  5. 粵語 Cantonese 英語English For Office Use Reference No Date Received Date Joined Remarks Use of Personal Data in Direct Marketing 公眾騎術學校、香港賽馬會及其附屬公司(在附上的公眾騎術學校私隱政策聲明內的定義合稱「馬會」;各自稱「馬 ...

  6. 見習騎師學校 | 香港賽馬會賽馬人才培訓中心. 如何成為賽事見習學員 - 海外訓練. 表現出色而又合乎相關資格的見習騎師學員會被派到海外受訓。 期間他們會跟隨當地練馬師深造騎術,並參與馬房管理等工作。 學員在海外會取得見習騎師牌照,並參與當地賽事,以汲取更多實戰經驗。 當他們累積到指定出賽數目後,會被安排返港,並獲香港賽馬會牌照委員會發牌,正式成為本地見習騎師。 於海外受訓其間,學員需要照顧自己的起居飲食,從而學會獨立,並增強外語能力及學習社交技巧,以便與練馬師及馬主溝通,爭取更多出賽機會。 如何成為賽事見習學員 - 賽馬人才培訓中心 - 香港賽馬會.

  7. 按此下載 Excel 格式. 博彩節制. 未滿十八歲人士不得投注或進入可投注的地方。 向非法或海外莊家下注,即屬違法,且可被判監禁。 切勿沉迷賭博,如需尋求輔導協助,可致電平和基金熱線1834 633。 騎練配對及初出馬成績.