雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Find information relating to our services, terms and conditions and other updates. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings.

  2. 我們留意到您已有一段時間未曾使用短訊/個人網上理財訊息中註明的香港滙豐卓越理財戶口。 由於保安理由及保障您免受詐騙交易的損失,若您持續不使用該戶口,日後該戶口的交易可能受到限制。 請即於戶口進行交易. 為免該戶口的服務日後可能受到限制,請於 短訊/個人網上理財訊息中註明的日期前 透過個人網上理財、香港滙豐流動理財應用程式、自動櫃員機、電話理財或蒞臨分行 進行下列任何一項交易 : 轉賬(包括在您名下的不同滙豐戶口之間轉賬) 提款或存款. 繳付賬單. 以香港滙豐信用卡進行任何交易. 滙豐卓越理財帶給您全面的服務及尊屬禮遇,瀏覽 www.hsbc.com.hk/premier 了解更多。 我們期待繼續為您提供優質的銀行服務。 財富管理及個人銀行(香港) 謹啟.

  3. 滙豐卓越理財在2024年於網上訪問進行調研,訪問多於900名24-64歲個人流動資產總值港幣100萬元或以上,以及子女年齡介乎6-22歲的家長,了解中產家庭對子女及海外的想法與需要。 報告顯示受訪家長表示計劃由小學階段至初中階段開始環球升學較去年增超過10百分點,2/3 受訪家長期望環球升學讓子女參與更多課外活動,豐富體驗,發掘潛能。 環球升學預算費用. 家長預算每名子女於英國完成學業需要. 港幣. 360萬元. 學費及生活費包括. 港幣. 290萬元. 較去年增超過10% 隱外潛藏開支. 港幣. 70萬元. 預算費用 及 環球升學支援首選. 受訪家長預算因通脹及匯率波動影響, 例如英國升學成本將逐年增加10.7% 超過6成受訪家長表示目前未有充足資金.

    • Wealth Protection
    • Family Protection
    • Wealth and Protection Transfer
    • Estate Equalisation
    • The Beauty of Legacy Planning

    Life insurance policies with a savings element give you a lifetime of protection and can serve as a tool to help accumulate wealth for the long term. While you are growing the cash value of your policy with the premiums you pay, you may receive regular cash bonuses and dividends under the policy, subject to market conditions, which you can use to f...

    Life can be unpredictable, and the lack of adequate protection could leave your family exposed financially in the wake of unfortunate events. That is why a life policy typically protects the insured person’s family with a sizeable death benefit in the unfortunate event of his/ her untimely passing. Some jurisdictions outside Hong Kong may impose es...

    Some life policies allow you to change the life insured1(Subject to the approval of insurance company), which gives you the option to pass on your wealth and life protection to the next generation at an earlier time if you wish. A life policy also allows you to change your designated beneficiary (ies), so you always have the flexibility to allocate...

    Sometimes people want to divide their assets evenly but not all assets and holdings can be easily divided into equal or defined portions. Purchasing a life insurance policy can be a good way to ensure effective distribution, so that, if you wish, all your beneficiaries would receive nearly equal shares of your estate. Applicable products: Whole Lif...

    Mr. and Mrs. Chan’s estate is worth a total of HKD20 million, including a HKD8 million property. They plan to keep a portion of it for their retirement and divide the rest equally between their two children as inheritance. Without using insurance in legacy planning In this hypothetical scenario, Mr. and Mrs. Chan may have to ensure they spend no mo...

  4. A single grain of rice, though seemingly inconsequential, can amass to yield a rich harvest when accumulated. The Hongkong Bank Foundation is steadfastly committed to forging connections within the community through meaningful actions. Drawing inspiration from "rice", we introduce the SOULFULL initiative. These heartfelt messages from our community will accompany love-infused lunchboxes ...

  5. 3 min. Many people are joining the ranks of the slashies and creating new identities for themselves. One of them is Mrs Cheung, a former housewife who has transformed herself into a YouTuber with a large following and living a retirement life with a difference. What is her story?

  6. 癌症資訊 | 皮膚癌 | 香港滙豐. 皮膚癌的主要成因與曝曬有著直接的關係,特別是孩童時曾經曝曬,日後患上皮膚癌的機會便會大增。 當皮膚曝露於日光中的紫外線之下,便會誘發皮膚細胞產生基因突變,而每一次曝曬都會進一步損害皮膚細胞,日積月累下便會對皮膚造成永久的損害,長遠而言將增加患上皮膚癌的風險。 皮膚白皙的人士患皮膚癌的機會相較黝黑的人士高,但事實上各種膚色的人士都會遭紫外線所傷害。 皮膚癌是皮膚細胞的惡性增生,較常見的有三類: 基底細胞癌. 鱗狀細胞癌. 皮膚惡性黑色素瘤. 由於基底細胞癌和鱗狀細胞癌合計佔皮膚癌的 98%,又較黑色素瘤容易診治,為方便起見,醫學上合稱為「非黑色素瘤」。

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