雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. A typhoon is a violent tropical cyclone, in meteorological term, which is a low pressure system occurring in tropical oceans. The winds above the ground circulate around the center counterclockwise for a typhoon occurring in the northern hemisphere and clockwise ...

  2. Heavy Rain: 24-hour accumulated rainfall exceeds 80 millimeters, or 1-hour rainfall exceeds 40 millimeters. Extremely Heavy Rain: 24-hour accumulated rainfall exceeds 200 millimeters, or 3-hour accumulated rainfall exceeds 100 millimeters. Torrential Rain: 24-hour ...

  3. Department of Commerce // National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration // 4 System & Infrastructure Enhancements Framework upgrade to HWRFV4.0a with bug fixes Optimize and unify the domain sizes of ghost domains used for initialization and DA

  4. 說明 「-」符號代表通訊延遲、中斷、儀器故障、實測風或波浪太小,「空白」表示無此觀測項目 點選測站名稱查詢基本資料。請注意各測站下方觀測時間,海上觀測不易,少數資料可能延遲 潮高基準:引測至內政部高程系統,本島為相對臺灣高程基準(TWVD2001),離島為相對當地水準高程,惟部分 ...

    • 東經120.5361度北緯26.3769度
    • 中央氣象局
    • 台灣海峽北部
    • 連江縣東引鄉
  5. 海象資訊服務全書下載