雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. to blend; to harmonize
    • 2. harmonious

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  2. The Urban Renewal Authority (URA) was established under the Urban Renewal Authority Ordinance (URAO) in May 2001 to replace the Land Development Corporation as the statutory body to undertake, encourage, promote and facilitate the regeneration of the older urban areas of Hong Kong.

  3. 史和發展演變。埃華街的名字是從英文長春滕樹名字的讀音演變而成,全因20 世紀早期該區植有很多長春滕植物;而晏架街原本在沿岸位置,晏架街的英文名 字意思是船錨,反映昔日這地方是船家下錨泊岸於大角咀的停泊區。

  4. 研究及概念 油麻地及旺角地區研究 樓宇復修策略 自行發展住宅項目 煥然壹居 「樓換樓」計劃單位 資助出售房屋計劃單位 公開市場發售單位 煥然懿居 港人首次置業先導項目 煥然懿居 第三座 公布及通告 邀請意向公告(發展項目)

    • Project Status
    • Project Programme
    • Background
    • Revitalisation Projects and Community Spaces in The District

    About 85% of interest has been acquired, and completed renovation works. Most of them has been tenanted out.

    Commenced in September 2008, the Town Planning Board has gazetted the approved Development Scheme Plan under section 9(5) of the TPO on 12 March 2010.

    Located at No. 190-220 Prince Edward Road West, it is a cluster of 16 pre-war buildings built in the early 1930's by a Belgian construction company, also known as the "Modern Flats", targeted for middle-class families at the time it was newly completed. Some were demolished and redeveloped after the war, leaving only 10 remaining buildings. It is t...

    The revitalised cluster now offers a mix of lifestyle shops and commercial spaces, in close proximity to the historical flower market and bird market in Mong Kok. Apart from 200 Prince Edward Road West, 618 Shanghai Street is another revitalisation project in Yau Tsim Mong District, which provides multi-function event spaces for community endearing...

  5. 「煥然懿居」是市區重建局繼 「煥然壹居」 後第二個 自行發展的項目 ,位於紅磡鶴園街8號。 項目已於2020年5月落成。 提供493個單位以「首置」單位形式出售。 作為回應政府房屋政策新措施而推出的「港人首次置業」的先導項目,「煥然懿居」為不符合申請 居者有其屋 (居屋) 資格,又未能負擔私營房屋的較高收入人士及家庭提供置業選擇,回應他們的置業期望。 「首置」單位包括4種戶型,分別為開放式、1房、2房及3房單位,實用面積介乎約261平方呎至約574平方呎不等。 相關申請. 轉按 (只提供英文版本)

  6. 港人首次置業先導項目。. 「煥然懿居」佔地約29,000平方呎,由兩幢住宅樓宇組成。. 項目在建造時採用實用而可持續的建築設計,並融入智慧設計、智慧資訊、智慧管理及「共享」設施,提升市民生活質素。. 450個「首置」單位的實用面積由261平方呎至507平方呎 ...

  7. Urban Renewal Authority - URA

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