雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 通往神社的那條路叫“表參道”,表參道的正中是給神明走路用的,參拜者不能走正中間,而要走兩邊。 洗手漱口處 图:玉置神社

  2. 2020年10月14日 · Welcome to the 1990s, when Japanese TV drama ratings were high and the programming reflected the first wave of vast social shifts that accompanied the bursting of the Bubble Economy. What better way to spend your stay-at-home time than binging on some great TV from Japan’s not-so-distant past?

  3. 2016年6月27日 · 日本一些网站每年还会举办最具人气天气节目主持人排行榜,我们一起去看看2016年的前五名吧!

  4. 這次就要為大家介紹10家錯過可惜的巧克力霜淇淋,讓這個夏天不再為烈陽所苦,輕鬆在東京尋找渴望的冰涼。 CACAO SAMPAKA的低調奢華巧克力霜淇淋. 西班牙皇室御用巧克力名店「カカオサンパカ (CACAO SAMPAKA)」在日本有三間分店,分別在東京的丸之內、澀谷和大阪的梅田。 位於東京車站丸之內的店面,以巧克力色為裝潢主色,襯托出低調的奢華與優雅的氛圍,顯現出以往只有皇室才能享用的高級感。 CACAO SAMPAKA使用高品質的可可豆,對嚴謹細膩的製作過程毫不妥協,除了販售各式精美的巧克力外,店內還提供有具有義式冰淇淋滑順口感的超人氣巧克力霜淇淋「ジャラッツ カカオ (GELATS CACAO) 540日幣」。

  5. 2019年9月6日 · Fan-brella helps beat the heat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrx-XIcEJ4c&feature=youtu.be. It operates on just four AA batteries for up to about five hours. Priced at ¥5,980 (about US$56), the fan has been a big hit this summer.

  6. 2017年6月9日 · When you spend a lot of time watching Japanese and Western TV commercials, you start to notice a few key differences, one of which I'd like to examine here. Western TV commercials typically start with a core "idea" of some sort: a message, concept, thought process or theory.

  7. 2019年8月6日 · Engetsu Island in the city of Shirahama (Wakayama Prefecture) is small, as islands go, but it has a charm that outweighs its size. An NPO has even designated it one of the best spots in Japan to watch the sunset. Takashima is the island’s official name.

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