雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. BOCHK helps maximise your wealth potentials with innovative, professional and diversified services, striving to become Your Premier Bank.

  2. BOCHK helps maximise your wealth potentials with innovative, professional and diversified services, striving to become Your Premier Bank.

  3. Finance Academy. Want to manage your wealth by yourself but no way to begin with? Finance Academy provides you with easy-understanding information, including videos, life examples and stories that helps you to obtain basic knowledge of investment and insurance, and build up the concept of wealth management.

  4. In support of the World Investor Week 2021, BOCHK Finance Academy provides you with latest ESG educational videos and information, which help you to better understand sustainable finance. Notes: The above products, services and offers are subject to the ...

  5. Preferential fee. There is no charge for opening "Family Securities Accounts", and the custodian fee of "Family Securities Accounts" can be waived. For further information, please visit any of our branches or call our Personal Customer Service Hotline at +852 3988 2388. Terms and Conditions of Family Securities Accounts.

  6. 中銀香港深知客戶重視在人生不同階段理財規劃, 最近特別就18 至45歲年輕百萬富翁客戶進行調研,以了解他們就家庭理財及投資習慣,以及對子女未來規劃等。 在已為人父母受訪家庭客戶中,9 成表示最注重子女健康; 約8成客戶會於子女. 3 歲時為其購買保險, 平均為每名子女投保1.8 份保險,當中個人危疾及住院保障較受歡迎。 此外, 客戶亦十分重視子女未來發展, 平均會將每月2 成收入撥作子女未來儲備,除預留資金作子女升學用途, 近7 成表示會預留資金為子女置業。 在財富增值方面,9成半受訪家庭客戶表示會傾向透過股票投資。 中銀香港個人金融及財富管理部副總經理( 本地客層)溫晞文表示:「『中銀理財』客戶漸趨年輕化,現時18 至45 歲年輕百萬富翁客戶,佔『中銀理財』整體客盤大約.

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