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  2. 為您店舖提供專業一站式方案,由設計、供應、安裝以至保養、維修一條龍服務. 各大超市、百貨、零售店、酒店、餐廳及連鎖店的信心選擇!


  1. I applied for Emergency Loan through the Promise's online platform. All I needed to do was filling in simple personal information and I could borrow HK$2,000 successfully. The entire application process was completed quickly online in just a few steps, with no supporting documents required. Moreover, the repayment amount and period for the ...

  2. You can get a fixed short-term loan of $2,000 through a simple and quick application, approval and loan agreement signing procedure online without showing up. With a fixed repayment period of 4 months, your monthly repayment plan can be viewed clearly at a glance. Solve all your urgent needs immediately with this short-term loan now!

  3. Need emergency financial support ? Promise Emergency mini-loan is designed to meet your urgent needs immediately! Simply fill in your personal information to apply. No income proof is required and your loan is tranferred immediately upon approval.

  4. 3199 1199. 還款期最短為3個月及最長為84個月。 根據放債人條例,實際年利率不超過48%。 所有示例資訊只作參考,最終批核按個別申請人之實際情況而定: 貸款額:HK$200,000. 利率:月平息0.2% (以實際年利率4.49%計) 按36個月還款期計算,手續費全免. 每月還款金額為HK$5,940;總還款額為HK$213,840. 急需資金周轉? 邦民急轉錢小額貸款,為即時滿足應急需要而設! 只需填寫簡單個人資料,無需入息證明文件,一經批核,轉數快立即過數!

  5. You can apply for Promise's "Emergency Loan" online, sign the contract and get your loan transferred easily any day of the week. Application procedure is simple and quick as income proof is not required, allowing a speedy approval §. "Emergency Loan" is suitable for customers who have short-term financial needs.

  6. By following the 4 tips below, you can drastically increase your chance of get loan approval. 1. Maintain a good credit rating. The success rate of personal loan approval holds a positive correlation to your credit rating. The higher the rating, the more likely your application will be approved.

  7. 1. 繳付額外卡數利息及手續費. 當您未能在信用卡截數日前支付卡數的min pay (最低還款額),發卡機構就會向您收取結欠金額約1-4%,或一筆指定金額 (約$100-$400)的逾期手續費用。 同時更需要支付一筆額外卡數利息作為財務罰款。 即使你已繳付了min pay,你仍有機會需要為扣除min pay後的信用卡結欠餘額繳付昂貴的卡數利息,相信看過以下例子後大家就能對計算卡數利息的理解會更清晰。 假如你現時有一筆HK$20,000的卡數、月息2.5%(實際年利率35.00%),沒有新的簽帳、年費及其他費用,如果每月只還min pay,卡數利息支出可超過HK$40,000,即卡數利息可超過本金的2倍,全數清還本金連卡數利息更有可能需時約26年。 (以上例子只供參考之用。

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