雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2 天前 · 渣打銀行信用卡還款計算機,輕鬆的計算您的還款額。 此計算機乃用以根據由閣下輸入之結餘金額及利率計算信用卡還款,就以下方面提供一般概念﹕(1)如閣下欲以每月最低付款額還款,所需之大約還款期及大約利息;及(2)如閣下欲於36個月內全數償還結欠,所需之大約每月最低付款額及利息。

  2. 2023年5月17日 · 憑著創新的意念,渣打特別推出渣打網上理財,提供全面的網上銀行服務,以配合您今日的理財需要。透過渣打網上理財,無論您在何時何地,都可以享用這項方便快捷的全天候銀行服務,服務範圍由日常的戶口交易以至財經資訊,全部應有盡有,讓您隨時隨地靈活操控。

  3. 至Smart 「 3免」3個月分期. 免手續費,免利息, 免分期次數限制。. 盡情消費,輕鬆還款!. 幾個簡單步驟,即可將任何HK$500或以上信用卡零售簽賬分三個月免息免手續費攤還。. 例子:. 簽賬金額:HK$9,000. 還款期:3個月. 每月還款額= HK$9,000 / 3 = $ 3,000. 總還款額=HK$9,000.

  4. Simply follow the steps below to redeem your 360° Rewards anytime. Steps: Visit “360° Rewards” webpage. If you are a First Time User, register for Online Banking and the newly created Username and Password will be used for accessing this rewards redemption platform. Click Here to Register.

  5. 2 天前 · 於2023年11月1日至12月31日期間,經網上申請渣打「分期貸款」結餘轉戶計劃,更可享冬日限定優惠。 「結餘回收」一次過清除所有卡數、分期及結欠 渣打結餘轉戶計劃幫您一次過回收所有卡數、分期貸款,仲可以清埋信用卡分期付款!

  6. Credit Card Bills Payment. Standard Chartered Mobile Banking App gives you the convenience & flexibility of checking & paying credit card bills at anytime you want. Standard Chartered Digital Banking and Automated Banking provides 24-hour banking services to take care of your financial needs, like cheque deposit and more.

  7. 2022年8月3日 · After registration of “Username” and “Password”, you can login to “Credit Card Online” or “Standard Chartered Online Banking”, to see your credit card details such as transaction history, payment due date, amount and 360° Reward Points, subscribe for/view your credit card eStatements and set up SMS alerts. If you need to access ...

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