雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年9月1日 · 在HobbyJAPAN的協助之下,當紅的職業模型師為本展製作了10座以上的全新立體模型,許多展示品也是為了本展特地安排,為您帶來與眾不同的觀覽感受。 關鍵詞. 漫畫・動畫. 時間:11:00~21:00. ※最後入場時間為結束前30分鐘. ※當日離開會場後不可再度入場. 普通票價: 1,800日元. 東京の観光公式サイト > 裝甲騎兵波德姆茲40週年展 ~以立體模型神遊大河原邦男與鹽山紀生的插畫~ Sunrise Anniversary 巡迴展in澀谷第一彈,決定以電視動畫系列40周年的《裝甲騎兵波德姆茲》為您揭開序幕。

  2. 體驗東京經典情境. 澀谷行人自由通行十字路口是東京的代表地標,在此可看到上千人同時穿越馬路的壯觀景象。. 來自四面八方的人流互相交錯,行人卻不會彼此相撞,在人海中穿梭自如,. 請您務必也親身體驗看看。. 試著從澀谷車站穿過馬路,前往擁有數百 ...

  3. 2022年10月19日 · 東京導覽. 代官山. Updated: October 19, 2022. 購物時品嚐早午餐. 被澀谷、中目黑、惠比壽圍繞的代官山有高級流行時尚服飾店,還有適合品嚐早午餐的美味餐廳或咖啡店。 綠意豐饒的大街上,常可見穿著時髦的人們。 建議您逛逛社會名流氣氛的後巷服飾店,在深獲好評的咖啡店露台品嚐早午餐。 ERROR: Adobe Flashplayer or. HTML5 Browser with WebGL or CSS3D support required! 旅遊指南. 享受代官山品味─早午餐、郊遊、精釀啤酒. 流覽時髦服飾店的商店櫥窗. 發現「西鄉山公園」等綠意豐饒的場所或古跡. 交通方式.

  4. 2023年8月14日 · 東京全新大型複合式設施. 道玄坂通 dogenzaka-dori、GRANBELL SQUARE、Forestgate代官山. added on : August 14, 2023. 2023年,隨著銀座、澀谷、代官山地區的再開發,全新的大型商業設施也陸續於東京誕生。 快來看看這些充滿魅力的新設施,並體驗各種購物及美食的選項吧。 道玄坂通 dogenzaka-dori. 2023年8月,「道玄坂通 dogenzaka-dori」即將在澀谷開幕,該複合式設施高約115公尺,由兩層購物區、設備最先進的辦公室,以及生活風格精品飯店所組成。 為了展現以「澀谷百軒店」為代表的巷弄魅力,整體設計以傳統商店街為概念,連通設施內外。

    • Taishakuten
    • Shibamata's Favorite Son
    • Take Time For Tea
    • Stroll Down Memory Lane in Shibamata’S Retro Streets

    Taishakuten-Sando , the main street lined with traditional shops selling fragrant toasted rice crackers and dango sweets made from rice flour, leads directly to the grand gate of Taishakuten. Through the carved wooden Nitenmon gate, the sprawling temple complex is dominated by a huge, ancient pine tree. The exquisite carvings on the Teishakudo and ...

    A hustler who was always unlucky in love, Tora-san was a famous character throughout Japan, and the series of 48 movies, dubbed “Otoko wa tsurai yo,” or “It's tough being a man,” released between 1969 and 1995, showcased each prefecture. After every adventure, Tora-san came home to Shibamata and the family dango shop. While you may not be familiar ...

    Just behind Taishakuten and a few steps from the Katsushika Shibamata Tora-san Museum, Yamamoto-Teiis a beautiful merchant's house mixing classic 1920s Japanese and European architecture, where you can take tea overlooking the garden. Just over the hill in front of the house, you'll find a sprawling park overlooking the Edo River, marking the bound...

    With its friendly locals, retro architecture and slower pace, the town makes a perfect escape from the stresses of city life. Old buildings are being reborn as simple, stylish hostels and cafes, and the area's traditional hot springs and public baths are newly appreciated by those seeking out authentic experiences. For a real trip back in time, Shi...

  5. 2023年6月16日,全球最大的《哈利波特》室內娛樂設施隆重開幕,其正式名稱為「WARNER BROS. STUDIO TOUR TOKYO – THE MAKING OF Harry Potter」,現在粉絲們可以在東京探索《哈利波特》的魔法世界。. WARNER BROS. STUDIO TOUR TOKYO建於東京都練馬區的豐島園遊樂園舊址。. 大阪的 ...

  6. Tokyo tourist attractions Explore Tokyo’s historical sites, romantic places and some of the other unique places that make this city so special. Check out our Tokyo tourism guide, complete to find our recommendations for famous places and must-visit locations.