雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Apple Music 囊括数百万首歌曲,并特别呈现陈奕迅、李荣浩、林俊杰和邓紫棋等华语乐坛音乐人,以及 Taylor Swift、Ed Sheeran 等在内的一系列国际艺人的精彩内容。. 用户还可以通过 iTunes Store® 租借或购买来自中国以及好莱坞电影公司的精选影片,并通过 iBooks Store ...

  2. 杜比全景声 (Dolby Atmos) 是一种音频技术,可让声音环绕在你周围,让你尽享沉浸式聆听 体验。. Apple Music 订阅用户只要在 iPhone、iPad 或 Mac 上运行最新版本的 Apple Music,即可用任何耳机聆听数千首支持杜比全景声的音乐。. 当你用兼容的 Apple 或 Beats 品牌耳机,或 ...

  3. Phil Schiller is an Apple Fellow, responsible for leading the App Store and Apple Events. Phil has helped guide Apple’s products and marketing for 30 years, most recently as the senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing.

  4. Craig Federighi is Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. Craig oversees the development of iOS and macOS. His teams are responsible for delivering the software at the heart of Apple’s innovative products, including the user interface, applications and frameworks.

  5. Lisa Jackson. Vice President. Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives. Lisa Jackson is Apple’s vice president of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives, reporting to CEO Tim Cook.

  6. PK 棡乄稃7 X?X? TDkMlQLAUWsvmtF.usdc? PXR-USDC 惖, $ @l @{ 瓽醶? %!"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;=>?@ABCDE H IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ IJKLMNOPQRYZ IJKLMNOPQRYZ ...

  7. 凭借在音乐识别领域的开创性创新,Shazam 可以帮助用户跨设备及媒介查找、探寻和共享视频、音频或印刷内容。. 歌迷还可以关注喜爱的艺术家并分享自己激动人心的新发现。. Apple 于 1984 年推出 Macintosh,为个人技术带来了巨大变革。. 今天,Apple 凭借 iPhone、iPad ...

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