雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 英國國民(海外)護照 (英語: British National (Overseas) passport ),簡稱 BN (O)護照 ,是 英國護照 的一種,自1987年7月1日起簽發给 香港 的持 英國國民(海外) 國籍人士。. 此護照現時由 英國內政部 護照署 簽發。. 除非同時擁有 英國公民 身分,否則英國國民 ...

    • Who can apply
    • Your family members
    • How long you can stay
    • What you can and cannot do

    You can apply for a BNO visa if you’re 18 or older and either:

    •a British national (overseas)

    •the child of a British national (overseas) born on or after 1 July 1997

    Your permanent home must be:

    •in Hong Kong, if you’re applying from outside the UK

    •in the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man or Hong Kong if you’re applying in the UK

    Your family members can apply for a BNO visa if they’re eligible. They must usually apply at the same time as you, unless they are your partner or your child under the age of 18.

    Check if your family members can apply.

    You can apply to stay for either:

    •2 years and 6 months

    •5 years

    You will be able to extend your visa once you’re in the UK if you want to stay longer. You can apply to extend your visa as many times as you want.

    You can:

    •work (except you cannot work as a professional sportsperson or sports coach)

    •study (including at school, college or university)

    You cannot usually get most benefits (public funds).

    Once you have a BNO visa, you might be able to get access to benefits. You’ll be eligible for this in certain financial circumstances, for example if you:

    •do not have a place to live and cannot afford one

  2. 2024年4月25日 · BNO申請/續領須知 申請/續領BNO前,申請人必須準備定各項文件、合規格證件相,據指現時香港有300萬人合資格申請BNO。 申請/續領BNO 4大程序:

  3. 海外物業 | 2024 年 4 月 27 日. 英國政府宣布,擴大BNO申請資格, 設立「香港BNO簽證」(Hong Kong BN (O)Visa)5 + 1 的移英途徑,隨即掀起一番 BNO 申請 / 續簽熱潮,不少港人為移民英國及取得英籍(British Citizenship, BC )鋪路。. 想知BNO現時出入境的注意事項、您是否 ...

  4. BNO續期申請資格攻略!BNO過期太耐可否續領?另外,BNO簽證將容許97後出生港人申請!MoneyHero整合BNO副簽、BNO續期申請資格、續領BNO相片要求及文件,即睇BNO申請及BNO簽證教學!

  5. 2015年8月25日 · Use this guide to help you apply for a British National Overseas (BNO) passport from Hong Kong. From: HM Passport Office.

  6. 2024年4月1日 · BNO申請續期懶人包2023丨英國政府即日起宣布再度放寬BNO申請要求,「優先簽證」(priority visa, PV)服務適用於英國國民(海外)BNO 簽證,境內申請者支付額外費用500英鎊(約4,969港元),就能在5個工作天內獲得BNO簽證的批核結果。. 再加上早前容許1997年7月1日後 ...

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