雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2014年4月27日 · Updated: November 14, 2023. 樂天地Spa天然温泉 楽天地スパ. 東京都墨田區江東橋4-27-14 樂天地大樓9F. 查詢地圖. 轉乘資訊. 這間Spa提供給中學生以上男性專用,可在溫泉與三溫暖中放鬆身心,或在休息區休息。. 恕不接受有刺青者使用。.

  2. 2020年3月16日 · 喜愛飛機到不可自拔的第一機艙羽田1號航站樓,是以飛機的頭等艙外觀及感受為設計主軸的膠囊旅館。. 第一機艙羽田1號航站樓位於羽田機場第一航廈,提供以時計費及長時間的住宿。. 這間飯店特別方便搭乘清早或深夜班機的旅客住宿。. 即使不住宿,您也可 ...

  3. 2023年10月6日 · 被大自然包圍,感受靜謐時光流淌的「成人的溫泉」. 豐島園 庭之湯位於東京練馬區中央,是可當日來回的溫泉休閒設施。. 使用從地下1,445公尺汲取的溫泉,富含鈉離子、鈣離子、鐵離子等來自大地和海洋的礦物質。. 從浴池可以眺望秀麗的日本庭園,讓人忘記 ...

    • Shibuya's Trendsetting Department Stores
    • Shibuya Style: The Hottest in Tokyo's Fashion Capital
    • Beyond Fashion: Home and Interior Shopping in Shibuya
    • Dining in Shibuya

    Known as Tokyo's fashion capital, Shibuya is home to many department stores. In addition to established chains such as Parco and Marui, you'll also find unique ones. Some prominent examples are the iconic SHIBUYA109—with its distinctive façade and logo—and Laforet HARAJUKU. While many shops focus on fashion for young women, Shibuya offers a bit of ...

    Japan's fashion trends may come and go, but Shibuya's reputation as Tokyo's fashion capital remains constant. Mainstream trends, designer brands, alternative fashion subcultures, street fashion—you name it, Shibuya has it. Department stores and popular shops surround the famous Shibuya Crossing and line Omotesando Avenue, while Harajuku is a hub fo...

    Shibuya is also a good place to shop for furniture, electronics and interior goods. Spruce up your home with artisanal ware from Omotesando's Morita Antiques or buy high-quality appliances from BicCamera. Since Harajuku is associated with kawaii (cute) culture, look around for cute, quirky items from shops such as 6% Dokidoki and Kiddy Land. If you...

    "Shibuya style" isn't just limited to fashion. Shibuya's cafes and restaurants too are known for their trendiness. Many popular international restaurants, cafes and food stands open their first Japanese branches in Harajuku and Omotesando to much fanfare. On weekends, long lines form in front of these establishments, as many people are eager to try...

  4. 在日比谷的新景點,遇見哥吉拉。. 為紀念哥吉拉誕生40週年,而在1995年豎立的舊哥吉拉像,於2018年時移往「TOHO電影院日比谷」,並以《新哥吉拉》(2016年)的哥吉拉版本為意象,設置了新的哥吉拉像。. 在電影中出現的日比谷哥吉拉廣場附近,是有樂町Mullion ...

  5. 2022年10月19日 · 不過今日的原宿,已經成為「卡哇伊」文化的發源地,充滿著與過去風情大異其趣的國際魅力。. 原宿站因擁有東京歷史最悠久的木造車站建築而備受人們愛戴。. 2020年6月,在以「向世界傳播文化與創造力的TOKYO全新講台」為主題的商業設施落成後,原宿站便以 ...

  6. 2024年2月13日 · 填海造陸的豐洲是知名築地魚市場於2018年搬遷的地點,而「豐洲 千客萬來」於2024年2月1日在其附近正式開幕營業。這座新設施以江戶時代為主題,特色為使用東京多摩地區木材搭建的木造建築,以及淡路島的燻瓦。設施進駐了運用豐洲新鮮漁獲及食材的各色餐廳、販賣店,以及24小時營業的水療 ...

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