雅虎香港 搜尋


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    n 名詞

    • 1. 行政部門; 公務員
  2. 2017年12月4日 · Here are the actual requirements to become a citizen of Japan. A person must meet the following conditions: • Having continuously had a domicile in Japan for five years or more; • Being 20 years of age or more and having the capacity to act according to his/her national law; • Being a person of good conduct;

  3. 2019年3月18日 · Pensions in Japan can be confusing. Even for long-term residents, it’s hard to be sure who has to contribute, how much you have to pay, when you can receive benefits and how much you can get back if you leave Japan. We’ve prepared a basic pension guide to help you out!

  4. 街道上禁止抽煙. 走在日本街道上,如果你想抽煙,需要到上圖類似的指定吸煙區域。. 一般在車站旁邊。. 在大城市,讓別人吸二手煙,煙頭燙到別人或隨地亂扔煙蒂是及其不禮貌的行為。. 上面的所有規矩和禮節當中,只有這條是必須遵守的,如果被抓到在 ...

  5. 2017年1月26日 · Top 5 Job Sites in Japan. Jessica Famularo Updated January 26, 2017. Business First Time in Japan Life in Japan. www.tofugu.com. Searching for a job under normal circumstances can be a challenge. Searching for a job in a country where English isn't widely spoken can seem impossible!

  6. 對香港男生的印象. 看過日本男,接下來來看看日本和香港的女生是怎樣看香港男生的。. 當然對比起大男人的日男,受訪者們都不約而同的稱讚「香港男生雖然不太懂打扮但比較溫柔。. 」因為一直以來受到英國人優質的教育,所以大家都很有紳士風度,至少會 ...

  7. 2015年11月23日 · A Glimpse of Life in the 1800s. Japanese music and theater also are represented, in the form of shamisen musicians. But the citizens of turn-of-the-20th-century Japan couldn’t spend all their time engaging in elegant cultural endeavors. Just like people today, they had to earn a living, and with the country’s centuries of civil war finally ...

  8. 2022年「米其林服務獎」獎落淺草. 2021年11月底《東京米其林指南2022》除了公布了最新的星級餐廳評價,更發表了兩個新設置的特別獎「廚界導師獎(Mentor Chef Award)」與「米其林服務獎(Service Award)」,其中榮摘桂冠「米其林服務獎」的得主來自東京淺草・法式 ...

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