雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The aim of the Master of Education (MEd) degree programme is to enhance the inquiry skills and executive capacity of experienced professional educators. The MEd programme is designed to provide flexibility to those who seek to broaden their understanding of education and to afford opportunities to those who wish to specialise in a defined area ...

  2. 課程簡介. 教育碩士學位課程旨在提升資深教育工作者的探究和執行能力。. 課程設計讓學員選科時更具彈性,適合有志以更廣闊視野理解教育專業,或希望深入探究專修範圍的人士修讀。. 教育碩士的 「綜合課程」 ,可讓學員更靈活選修科目。. 另一方面,學員 ...

  3. The education degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Education are celebrated for their breadth and depth, as well as the use of innovative teaching methods. Through four departments and one unit, it trains graduate teachers, scholars who conduct research on high-impact topics, and consultants to government and schools on vital policy ...

  4. CUHK Faculty of Education adopts innovative teaching methods, providing PhD and Master's degrees. Application Requirements, Programme Information, and More.

  5. The two-year part-time programme targets potential and practising mathematics teachers in local primary and secondary schools who would like to upgrade their subject and pedagogical knowledge through further studies.

  6. 教育學院的課程以嶄新的教學法著稱,而課程涵蓋之廣闊及內容之深入亦享盛譽。. 學院下設四個學系及一個學部,除了培訓學位教師外,學院的學者亦對影響深遠的教育論題進行研究,並就重要政策議題向政府及學校提供顧問服務。. 學院營造極有感染力的環境 ...

  7. At the core of the course are: (1) theoretical foundations with particular reference to human capital theory and its alternative views and theories, education and economic growth, education and labor market, education and economic convergence, (2) the policy

  8. Master of Education Degree Programme HK$5,500 per unit (not applicable to specialisation of Learning Sciences and Technologies, which offer part-time programme only)

  9. Step 1 – Prepare Application Materials. Applicants are required to upload scanned copies of the following supporting documents to the Online Application System. No need to send the hardcopies documents by post during the application stage.

  10. CUHK Postgraduate Application: Take a few simple steps and prepare for your application. Create an online account to submit application. Learn More.

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