雅虎香港 搜尋


    • 宋慧喬蜂蜜雞蛋面膜。宋慧喬有如吃了防腐劑一樣,除了盡量素顏,她的護膚秘訣是注重保濕兼勤敷面膜。片狀面膜以外,宋慧喬的秘密武器就是自製「蜂蜜雞蛋面膜」,令皮膚恢復彈性。
    • IU-牛奶面膜。IU又再因《德魯納酒店》滿月社長一角人氣飆升,擁有牛奶的「國民妹妹」IU 除了會用洗米水洗臉外,還會搭配牛奶面膜來養出牛奶肌。ADVERTISEMENT。
    • 權娜拉綠茶面膜。早前在《梨泰院CLASS》第二女主角權娜拉的保養秘訣,除了用雪過的保養品外,更重視來幫助肌膚的穩定及毛孔狀況。材料:化妝棉或面膜紙、綠茶茶包、
    • 檸檬橄欖油面膜。檸檬的功效除了美白,其實還有強勁的潔淨效果,因此不少清潔劑中都會有檸檬的身影!要留意檸檬和醋一樣不可以單獨使用。材料:檬榨一個,橄欖油或杏仁油。
    • With Reference to The Functions of The Three-Ply Design in Surgical Mask
    • 5 Conditions For Diy Face Masks
    • Tips on Making and Using Diy Mask

    Taking reference to the three-ply design of surgical face mask (water resistant outer layer, middle layer for filtration, inner layer for moisture absorbent), the Taskforce has assessed different materials in producing DIY face masks. Three tests have been conducted in the laboratories of the CUHK and the HKSP: 1. 1.Scan the fiber structure under a...

    ●Safety – in compliance with hygiene standard in food handling ●Easy to buy – low-cost ●Easy to find – common household items ●Easy to do – simple to make ●Easy to wear – air permeable with comfort The Taskforce recommends the following materials: 1.Water-resistant outer layer Transparent plastic file folder is an optimum choice for face shield (us...

    •Clean your hands completely with handwash and water or alcohol-based hand rub before making and wearing face mask; •When going out, put a few face masks in a re-sealable zipper storage bag for replacement; •When wearing a DIY face mask, the inner layer with facial tissue should cover the nose and mouth with kitchen paper towel facing outward. Repl...

  1. 2022年2月18日 · Easy DIY face mask recipes you can make at home. Inspired to get creative in the cosmetic kitchen, as it were? We rounded up nine dermatologist-approved DIY mask recipes you can try at...

  2. 2020年3月31日 · DIY自製口罩 DIY自製口罩必須參考醫護口罩的三重設計 (面層防水中層過濾底層吸水)的原理同時,在選擇物料及模型時,需符合五大需求,:安全易買易找易做易戴,以確保保護功能,並讓市民能自行購買日常材料自製並安心使用。 自製口罩 5大條件: 安全-符合處理食品衛生標準. 易買-成本低. 易找-日常家居材料. 易做-製作簡易. 易戴-透氣舒適. 工作小組推薦以下物料: 1、 面層防水-文具用的透明膠套作面罩膠片 (或擋太陽帽或其它質料安全的透明膠類)。 為提供類似外科口罩的防水功能,工作小組建議以透明膠套作為面罩。 在螢光劑模擬咳嗽 測試中,面罩能有效阻擋大量飛沫。 透明膠片成本只需約兩元,且可以清洗後多次使用。 2、 中層過濾-廚房紙。

    • 蛋白檸檬汁面膜。材料:蛋白、檸檬汁。功效:去黑頭、美白、緊緻。1.將蛋白打入碗內(不要蛋黃)2.攪拌至起白泡沫。3.加入6至8滴的檸檬汁。4.均勻塗在臉上。5.待15-20分鐘後清洗。
    • 蘆薈蜂蜜面膜。材料:蘆薈一條、蜂蜜一茶匙。功效:曬後舒緩、消炎去印、保濕。1.將蘆薈肉與蜂蜜混合在一起。2.直接敷在臉上。3.待15-20分鐘後清洗。今天起燕麥不再只是健康的早餐!
    • 燕麥面膜。材料:燕麥一湯匙。功效:去角質、緊緻、舒緩1.把燕麥置於手中,用暖水把它軟化2.直接放在臉上磨擦3.把掉落的燕麥重複使用2-3次4.用清水洗淨皮膚。
    • 牛奶蜂蜜面膜。材料:牛奶、蜂蜜一茶匙、面粉適量。功效:美白、保濕、滋潤。1.把牛奶和蜂蜜混合攪拌。2.加入適量面粉,攪拌成糊狀。3.把糊狀物直接敷在臉上。4.待15-20分鐘後清洗。
  3. 2024年4月19日 · Pamper yourself with a DIY face mask! Self-care is so important, and these 3 soothing face mask recipes will help you create a relaxing, spa-like experience at home. Using simple ingredients like oatmeal, green tea, and banana, you can easily craft a topical

  4. 2020年7月2日 · 50 DIY Face Mask Recipes. It’s safe to say we’ve got a natural face mask for everything: acne, dry skin, enlarged pores, aging skin—you name it! Whatever the problem, it can probably be remedied the natural way: with nourishing food on your face! Dry Skin Face Masks. 1.

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