雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年12月4日 · “Enclose” 一般用於實體信件,而 “attach”一般用於Email中的附件。 i. Enclose (verb) 附入、裝入. “Enclose”的資料一般都是實體的文件(hard copies)。 請看以下例句: • Please enclose your cover letter and CV when submitting your application. • Enclosed is my resume for your reference. ii. Attach (verb) 把…附加在. 如果是email附檔,就要用attach這個字了。 請看以下例句:

  2. 2024年5月23日 · 12句實用電郵句子. 1/ You may refer to the attached document for details. 你可以參閱附件以了解更多詳情。 2/ Kindly refer to the attached document. 請查閱附件。 3/ As requested, the report is attached. 根據要求,已附上報告。 4/ I am attaching XXX for your consideration. 附上XXX供你參考。 5/ I am sending you XXX as an attachment. 我將XXX作為附件發送給你。 6/ I''''ve attached the updated document. 附上我們最新的文件。

    • 信件開頭:As We / you...
    • 附件:Attached is...
    • 隨函:Here is...
    • 仔細研究:Review

    過時用法:As per our previous conversation(就先前我們的談話.....) 這個用法20幾年前很流行,很多每封Email的開頭都是"as per",但時下商業溝通講求精簡,這樣說顯得老套,而且previous很多餘,直接用As we discussed / As discussed就好。 As per your request ...→ As you requested As per our agreement ...→ As we agreed As per your instructions ...→ As you instructed

    過時用法:Attached please find...(附件是…) 以前人們依賴紙本信件溝通,"Enclosed please find…"也曾經風行一時。但年輕一輩發現,根本沒有任何東西要"find",這麼寫看起來像律師函,沒道理。還有人會用"please see attached",這也不自然。現在大家更愛用"I’m attaching"、"I've attached",或直接用"Attached is…"。 Attached please find the following receipt. → Attached isthe receipt.(附上收據)

    過時用法:Herewith(隨函) Herewith、hereby、herein這些都很拗口,雖然有些文化悠久的商號還改不了口,但直接用here更簡要。 attached herewith→ attached is、here is

    過時用法:Perusal(仔細研究) 這個字少見少用,但還真有一位在外商銀行工作的學生寫信就用了這個字,他說在網路學到就用了,這個字改成review更自然。 如果把以上4個過時用語都改掉,以精簡原則修改,原來長長一串的email只要一句話: As discussed, here is the revised marketing campaign for Q2 for your review. 這樣一改,是不是就精簡多了,也更好理解了? 還有以下這些email用語,也已經過時,請用更精準的表達取代它們吧!

  3. 2020年9月25日 · 2.附件:Attached is… 過時用法:Attached please find…(附件是…) 以前人們依賴紙本信件溝通,“Enclosed please find…”也曾經風行一時。但年輕一輩發現,根本沒有任何東西要“find”,這麼寫看起來像律師函,沒道理。 還有人會用“please see attached

  4. 不過近年來 email 愈來愈精簡,加上 find 的意思比較多種,因此許多電子郵件漸漸以 see 取代 find,而 ” Please find the attached ” 就變成比較所謂比較「老派」的用法 😉. 含附件檔範例信件 📧. Subject:Order Model A0001. Hello Jenny, This is Karen, the buyer of XYZ company. We are currently looking for a specific type of product and one of our business partners recommended your company to us.

  5. Please Find Enclosed or Please Find Attached? “Please find enclosed” is correct when an attachment is enclosed within an envelope. This applies when you are sending someone a letter. “Please find attached” is correct when you’ve attached a file or document

  6. 2016年7月7日 · In email writing, when we are attaching any document, what is the correct, formal and more polite way to write: Please find attached "Monthly status report" PDF for your reference. Please find enclosed "Monthly status report" PDF for your reference.

  1. 其他人也搜尋了