雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. (Olympus) 上市日期: 2023年10月. HK$ 2,950 - 3,200. HK$ 3,200 - 3,850. 比較報價. 添加比較. Fujifilm X100VI 掌上型數碼相機. (X-Trans CMOS 5 HR 感光元件 / 23mm F2 鏡頭 / 5軸6級機身防震功能 / 369 萬像素 OLED 電子觀景器 / 最高 ISO 51200 感光度) 上市日期: 2024年2月. HK$ 17,580 - 21,800. HK$ 16,400 - 17,000. 比較報價. 添加比較. Fujifilm Instax Pal 迷你相機. 上市日期: 2023年10月. HK$ 630 - 780. HK$ 500 - 750. 比較報價. 添加比較.

    • 格價

      2022年10月. HK$ 3,090 - 3,480. HK$ 2,930 - 3,120. 比較 ...

    • DSLR Cameras
    • Action Cameras
    • Polaroid Cameras
    • Mirrorless Cameras
    • Compact Cameras
    • Car Cameras
    • CCTV Cameras
    • Drone Cameras
    • Camcorders
    • IP Cameras

    Clarity, precision, accuracy, and professional – perfect words to describe the DSLR camera. The Digital Lens Single-Reflex camera, as it is called, is the epitome of photography today. The king of cameras is used to capture vivid images in real-time with a mere click of a button. Working based on a concept of a digital imaging sensor, DSLR cameras ...

    Essentially, action cameras are a specialized version of camcorders that capture epic action up-close. Easily mounted onto almost any sturdy surface, action camerasenable you to seize the day, capturing unique action video and photographs from a first-person perspective. Built to be durable enough to withstand immense pressures, submersion in water...

    Old is gold. Somehow, we cannot get enough of our love for the older, printed photos. This is where Polaroid camerascome in. Named after the iconic cameras of the past that print your shots instantly, Polaroid cameras give a vintage feel to your photos. Perfect for occasions where you would want to give your photos as souvenirs or presents to your ...

    Eliminating the mirror between the camera lenses and sensor, mirrorless camerashave become more popular than ever since they come in compact sizes. Smaller, lighter, and simpler, these qualities are the reasons of why mirrorless cameras are on the rise today.

    Take the technology of DSLR cameras and make it smaller, lighter, and more user-friendly, and you get compact cameras. As an amazing alternative to both DSLR and mirrorless cameras, compact cameras are more than just glorified point-and-shoot cameras. Some highly advanced features on compact camerasinclude: 1. Macro mode 2. Night mode 3. Selfie mod...

    Car security is ever-so-important in today’s world. Recording your journey could prove to be the best alibi for your safety. With bad drivers on the road here in Hong Kong, we need to protect ourselves while documenting every part of our journey. This is where car cameras come in. Recorded information can also be presented to insurance companies an...

    We can never be too safe when taking precautions, that’s why we look into CCTV technology. Close Circuit Television cameras, as they are called, offer to complete the package of home, office, or outdoor security. When people know that they are being watched, there is a lower chance for delinquent behavior. You can also record the daily progress of ...

    Take your photography to the skies with drone cameras. As the best tools in aerial photography, drone cameras can bring a bird's eye view of your surroundings -perfect for shooting actions, scenery, or events.

    The humble camcorders still have their uses when it comes to recording gorgeous videos that define the moment. Incredibly, these camcorders are getting better as they boast highly advanced features.

    Similar to CCTV in terms of usage and purpose, the IP cameras are one of the cheaper options available for you to guard your property. Utilizing the power of Internet, they can be viewed from any device that works on Internet connectivity.

  2. 2021年2月13日 · Hobolite Iris 復古 LED 燈扮無反機,掌心外型玩法萬千 1 日前 燈光品牌 Hobolite 近年推出不少擁有復古設計的產品,而最新就有仿似無反相機造型的 Iris ...

  3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 共 125 種項目. 排序. 添加比較. Panasonic 樂聲 Lumix DC-TZ220D. (即TZ220/ZS220 升級版,升級了屏幕) HK$ 5,350 - 5,380. 比較報價. 添加比較. Panasonic 樂聲 Lumix DMC-LX10. 上市日期: 2016年9月. HK$ 4,580 - 4,600. 比較報價. 添加比較. Panasonic 樂聲 Lumix DC-LX100M2. (Lumix LX100 II LUMIX 4K 輕便相機, F1.7-2.8 / 24-75mm LEICA DC VARIO-SUMMILUX變焦鏡頭) 上市日期: 2018年10月. HK$ 5,920 - 5,950. 比較報價

  4. 香港人一向熱愛影相打卡,無論係去旅行定同親朋好友聚會都需要用到相機,人氣相機品牌有 Canon 、 Sony 、 Nikon 、 Fujifilm 等,即睇以下選購指南,仲有人氣無反相機推薦同評價! 2023最新無反相機評測報告. 4 - 4.5星. 選擇相機前最重要是了解相機的特性,以下就從入門級開始為大家介紹其中 3 款相機類型助你挑選合適的相機: 數碼相機(Digital Camera – DC)集影像轉換、傳輸和存儲功能於一身,利用成像元件(CCD或COMS)把從鏡頭接收到的不同光線轉化為不同的電子數據,再數碼化地存取到相機内,因此能做到實時拍攝和與電腦交互處理。 簡單來説,就是把影像快速地變成數碼訊號儲存到裝置内。 它的最大優點是體積和重量比較輕,也不用配備外置鏡頭,適合攜帶。

  5. May 2024 Check out the best DSLRs price in Hong Kong. Compare latest models, best prices, and reviews for DSLRs on iPrice HK! 查看和比較最新的價錢,規格,評價和用家意見在香港

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    digital camera