雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 오늘은 소개할 "오늘의 단어"가 新年快樂 (새해 복 많이 받으세요) / I wish you a happy New Year / ボンヌ・アンネー 입니다. 발음은 " saehae bok mani badeuseyo " 입니다.

  2. *kisses&hugs* 100% HaPpy Together !! 想做就去做,快樂就好 hApPY EnDInG

  3. 今天要介紹的每日一字是 : 生日快樂 / Happy birthday (to you) / お誕生日おめでとう。發音:森一日出咖哈你答。今天是金在中的生日耶! 在中,祝你生日快樂!!!오늘은 김재중의 생일이네! 재중아, 생일 축하해! (喜歡在中的粉

  4. Making a sad clown happy is one of the toughest task in the world. Do you know how to make me happy? "踎登時代" 踏入廿一世紀,全球人類一起「踎登」。 上世紀末的歡顏,再不復現。 筆者留美十載, 已淪落成「人不像人,鬼不像鬼」,不學無術之徒。

  5. if i had to live my life without you near me, the days would all be empty, the nights would seem so long. like a guiding star. i’ll be there for you if you should need me. i love you just the way you are. so come with me and share the view, i wanna your kissing me i

  6. Our 2nd chapter and 50 years of life together. The most bizarre advice I've ever been given was from someone who confessed that "sometimes" he still secretly think about the happy times he once shared with his ex girlfriend.

  7. 今天去換了一隻新手機 可以拍照,但只有30萬畫數 不過已經很好了,因為已經用了2年 所以可以換新機,而且那隻只要290耶 超便宜的啦!!太感激媽媽了 讓我換新機,真的是作夢也會笑 沒想到我也有這一天阿..... 我期待這一天很久了,

  1. 其他人也搜尋了