雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. 少年法庭
  2. The Juvenile Court in the Magistrates’ Courts hears charges against children or young persons under the age of 16, except where the charge is one of homicide. It may also make care or protection orders in respect of children or juveniles.

  3. 香港少年法庭 是 香港 專門處理16歲以下 少年 犯或 兒童 犯的法庭。 除了 殺人罪 外,如果犯案者為16歲以下的少年或兒童(而該案件沒有年滿16歲人士同時被控的話),案件都會交由少年法庭審理。 少年法庭亦有權對18歲或以下的青少年發出監管及保護令。 另外,根據 香港法律,未滿10歲的兒童不能承擔 刑事 責任,所以不會受審訊。 香港現有五個少年法庭,分別設於 東區裁判法院 、 九龍城裁判法院 、 西九龍裁判法院 、 粉嶺裁判法院 及 屯門裁判法院 內。 [1] 運作與規定. 為了保障少年或兒童被告的利益,少年法庭有些特別程序和規定: 除了與案件有關的人士和 記者 以外,其他人等均不得出席(如果法庭認為有需要時,可以拒絕記者出席)。

  4. 34D. 違反監管令凡受監管人不遵守監管令施加的任何規定,則監管人員可根據第34C(2)條向少年法庭申請根據該條發出命令。. ( 由1978 年第32 號第7 條增補) (4) A juvenile court may make an order under this section in the absence of the child and the parent or guardian of the child, or the juvenile, if ...

  5. A juvenile court has jurisdiction over charges against a child or young person other than a charge of homicide. The principle is to separate young offenders from older offenders. The emphasis with young offenders is upon long term reform and rehabilitation rather than simply punishment.

  6. The Juvenile Court: The Juvenile Court has jurisdiction to hear charges against children (aged under 14) and young persons (aged between 14 and 16) for any offence other than homicide. Children under 10 are exempted from criminal responsibility.

  7. A juvenile court shall have all the powers of a permanent magistrate and, subject to this Ordinance, the Magistrates Ordinance (Cap. 227) shall apply to proceedings before a juvenile court as it applies to proceedings before a magistrate. (Added 15 of 1973 s.

  8. 香港少年法庭 是 香港 专门处理16岁以下 少年 犯或 儿童 犯的法庭。 除了 杀人罪 外,如果犯案者为16岁以下的少年或儿童(而该案件没有年满16岁人士同时被控的话),案件都会交由少年法庭审理。 少年法庭亦有权对18岁或以下的青少年发出监管及保护令。 另外,根据 香港法律,未满10岁的儿童不能承担 刑事 责任,所以不会受审讯。 香港现有五个少年法庭,分别设于 东区裁判法院 、 九龙城裁判法院 、 西九龙裁判法院 、 粉岭裁判法院 及 屯门裁判法院 内。 [1] 运作与规定. [编辑] 为了保障少年或儿童被告的利益,少年法庭有些特别程序和规定: 除了与案件有关的人士和 记者 以外,其他人等均不得出席(如果法庭认为有需要时,可以拒绝记者出席)。

  9. Juvenile court may take advice as to method of dealing with juvenile. A juvenile court may, in determining the method of dealing with a child or young person who has been found guilty of any ofence, take the advice of 2 persons selected by the court from the Panel.

  10. Juvenile Court Jurisdiction of the Juvenile Court Protection to young offenders Procedure at the juvenile court Restrictions on punishment of young offenders Sentencing principles Sentencing Arresting procedure, my rights and obligations Introduction Stopping and

  11. Juvenile court, also known as young offender's court or children's court, is a tribunal having special authority to pass judgements for crimes committed by children who have not attained the age of majority. In most modern legal systems, children who commit a crime are treated differently from legal adults who have committed the same offense.

  12. Juvenile Offenders. 15.1 It is a longstanding legal requirement that in prosecuting juveniles the court must give priority to their welfare. Special procedural provisions apply to persons under the age of 16 years and, so far as possible, the hearing of such cases should be expedited and prosecuted in the Juvenile Court.

  13. juvenile court, special court handling problems of delinquent, neglected, or abused children. The juvenile court fulfills the governments role as substitute parent, and, where no juvenile court exists, other courts must assume the function.

  14. 2018年5月3日 · Can children and young people be sentenced to jail? The Juvenile Offenders Ordinance restricts the punishments and outlines procedures for handling young offenders. Under Section 11 of the...

  15. The Juvenile Court: The Juvenile Court has jurisdiction to hear charges against children (aged under 14) and young persons (aged between 14 and 16) for any offence other than homicide. Children under 10 are exempted from criminal responsibility. The Juvenile

  16. Juvenile Courts. Legal representation will be offered to all defendants charged in Juvenile Courts except Summons. Legal representation will also be offered to the subjects in Care or Protection cases. No means test is required, but Juvenile defendants are required to pay the fixed one off handling charge of $640.

  17. 34. Powers of juvenile courts in relation to guardianship, custody and control of children and juveniles in need of care and protection (Amended E.R. 2 of 2020) (1) A juvenile court, on its own motion or upon the application of the Director of Social Welfare or of

  18. In accordance with the Protection of Children and Juveniles Ordinance, the age of 'child' is defined as Under 14 Age of offenders being heard in juvenile courts Under 16

  19. The juvenile crime rate in Hong Kong has been stabilized in the nineties. Each year, the total number of crimes committed by young people aged between 7 and 20 is about fifteen thousand. Most of these crimes involve minor offences such as theft, shoplifting or offence against personal properties of others.

  20. The Children Act in 1908 created a special justice system for juvenile offenders—the Juvenile Court (renamed Youth Court in 1991), intended to handle both criminal and noncriminal cases. The English youth courts exercise jurisdiction over offenders aged 10 (the minimum age of criminal responsibility) to 16.

  21. 2019年11月13日 · If any factor or circumstance below is found in respect of a child or juvenile, a police officer may apply to a juvenile court for issuance of such order to provide the child or juvenile in need with care or protection. According to section 34(2) of the ordinance, a child

  22. Juvenile Court. The Juvenile Court is located in the Magistrates' Court and hears charges against young people between the age of 10 and 15 (unless it is a case of murder or manslaughter). District Court. The District Court deals with indictable offences and may hear all serious criminal cases except manslaughter, murder and rape.

  23. Courts exercising juvenile jurisdiction are constituted, as the need arises, under the Juvenile Offenders Ordinance (Cap.226) and other statutes. A juvenile court has exclusive jurisdiction to hear charges against children (aged under 14) and young persons (aged

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