雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. MaskOn is a Hong Kong Mask Brand that offers high protection yet fashionable masks and has been striving to make life more enriching. Click for more details!

  2. MaskOn._, Hong Kong. 24,093 likes · 1 talking about this · 84 were here. MO : 對舊日的新想像 MO : NORMAL-REIMAGINED.

  3. Available: Full face mask lineup, gift sets, lifestyle products and accessories. Our physical stores are located in different areas across Hong Kong, allows for convenient access to buy our protective masks. Click to explore our stores!

  4. Compliant with ASTM Level 3. Express your mood and lifestyle through masks! Mood Series offers a variety of colors for your masks. This collection features disposable masks that comply with ASTM Level 3 in various fashionable colors. There's always one that perfectly matches your style.

  5. MaskOn. 早在去年10月,MaskOn經已為我們帶來爵士橙「Jazzy」、仙蹤綠「Wicked」以及梵高藍「Wintry」共3款獨特色調的口罩,隨即惹來一股搶購潮。 然而品牌最近為我們再推新色:嬉皮士黃「Chipper」、侘寂灰「Hazy」,以及日和粉紅「Serene」。 9雙必須擁有的Hermès拖鞋! 除了經典的Oran Sandals,還有哪些涼鞋高貴又好著?

  6. 香港. 包裝數量: 30. GC 號碼: PLC015339. CANDOUR 態度《對地球坦誠》逆向思考疫情. 新冠初期,抗疫為本。 安全的代價是每日累積數百萬片用完即棄口罩,日復日影響我們的家。 這抗疫副作用,MaskOn 一直在意,團隊鍥而不捨尋找替代物料,務求在奮力守城的同時,為環境稍作補償。 今天我們終於推出,既符合目前最高防疫規格,又能夠生物降解,且保持 MaskOn 口罩風格的成品,Candour Series 生物降解口罩,守護大眾也保護環境。 Candour Series 的理念,正如MO長期奉行的生活反思:相信一只蝴蝶的轉向,能掀起大局的改變。 團隊寄望,Candour Series最终能引發綠色抗疫的蝴蝶效應,對本地、對地球產生更大益處。

  7. MaskOn is dedicated to providing premium masks and lifestyle goods in Hong Kong that appeal to our proclivities toward beauty and self-expression. Click for more details now!

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