雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Electrical roller blind is motorized system, by wall-panel, remote emitters, timing, and/or the weather. Models for Selection. Manual Roller Blinds. Control up and down with either metal / PVC ball chain on the side, quiet operation and durable usage. Simple, natural and beautiful. Spring Roller Shades.

  2. You can control electric blinds with a remote or connect them to IKEA smart home and use an app on your phone. We have roller blinds and other types, too. This one is a cellular blind which also insulates your window against heat and cold.

  3. MANY BLINDS | 萬利簾製造廠有限公司. “萬利簾“品牌創建於1992年,致力於創造高品質的、高品味的室內遮陽窗飾,滿足顧客對隱私、光線控制的需要及對時尚家居設計的追求。 生產基地——中山萬利窗簾制造有限公司,生產體系完備,銷售、服務、管理體系日臻完善。 占地面積10000多平方米,員工200餘人,全程實施ISO9001質量體系管理,專業為遮陽窗飾產品定制需求提供解決方案和技術支持。 30年來,萬利簾堅定不移的秉持 "金牌服務,誠信為本,以質取勝" 的經營原則,與海內外重量級供貨商強強聯手,共同打造簡約時 ...

  4. Somfy provides motorised roller blinds for Hong Kong homes that can be controlled using a remote, tablet or smartphone. With Somfy solutions, everything becomes smarter!

  5. Roller blinds are a simple yet stylish design for covering your windows. They offer excellent glare reduction and UV protection while providing your home with a neat and stylish look. Our wide range of fabrics offers you the choice to filter the light with sheers and other translucent materials or blackout fabrics for room darkening.

  6. The blind lowers the general light level and provides privacy by preventing people outside from seeing directly into the room. The 195 cm drop height suits taller windows and balcony doors. Can be mounted inside or outside the window recess, or in the ceiling. The blind is cordless for increased child safety.

  7. DESIGNER SCREEN SHADES. 提供優良UV保護同時,又可透現窗外美景,外國進口的Designer Screen Shades捲簾備有不同遮光度布料可供選擇,線條簡潔,兼備光線控制功能,絕對是透光窗簾的理想之選.

  8. Roller blinds are sleek, modern window treatments that roll up or down to control light and privacy, available in various colors and textures for a contemporary look.

  9. The fabric blocks out all light and glare on TV/screens. It gives complete privacy as shapes or light cannot be perceived from outside and the transition between day/night cannot be distinguished. Can be cut to the desired width. The blind can be cut and re-cut to fit a smaller window.

  10. Mororized Roller Blinds : Somfy LT50 + Sunscreen, Somfy LS40 + Blackout. IFC 2, Central, Hong Kong Island.