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  1. Android. 回收利用. 已经开始折抵换购? 查看状态. 轻松换购有两手。 折抵换购,线上或 Apple Store 零售店由你选。 从获取折抵估价到交回旧设备,我们全程为你提供协助。 在线. 店内. 到 Apple 换购,好处多多。 哪种方式都简单。 折抵换购很简单,在线上或 Apple Store 零售店都能轻松搞定。 折抵优惠可转至你的银行账户 (仅限在线折抵),或用于换购新产品。 隐私处处受保护。 无论你是备份、传输还是抹掉个人数据,我们都能向你展示如何以安全可靠的方式做到。 地球也受益。 如果你的设备状况良好,我们会帮它寻找一位新主人。 如果设备状况不佳,我们可免费为你回收处理。 回收你的设备. 更多努力,更少消耗。 我们在产品中使用了比以往更多的再生材料。

  2. 获取折抵估价. 1. 折抵换购服务由 Apple 的折抵服务合作伙伴提供。. 折抵金额报价仅为预估价,实际折抵金额可能低于预估价值,具体金额取决于设备的状况、配置、推出年份,以及发售国家或地区。. 并非所有设备均有资格获得折抵金额。. 年满 18 周岁及以上者 ...

    • Summary
    • Introduction
    • Innovation and Industry Standards
    • Negotiations in Frand Licensing
    • Merits-Based Evaluation of Seps
    • Portfolio Licensing & Bundling Or Tying of Seps
    • Frand Royalty Base
    • Frand Royalty Rate
    • Injunctive Relief with Respect to Seps
    • Conclusion

    How standard essential patents are licensed affects competition, innovation, product compatibility, and consumer choice. When licensed on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory terms, everyone stands to benefit. On the other hand, when companies use the market power of a standard and standard essential patents to demand unfair, unreasonable, or d...

    Apple values invention, respects intellectual property, and recognizes the pertinent role of developing voluntary industry standards. Standardization is beneficial when it advances marketplace cooperation and interoperability, allowing consumers to have confidence that products reliably interact with other products. Yet it can also lead to problems...

    Innovation is the cornerstone of Apple’s business and the company prides itself on the commitment to “think different,” inventing products and services unlike anything else on the market. With products such as the Mac, iPod, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch, Apple has revolutionized industries, and created entirely new industries by reimagining techno...

    Both SEP licensors and licensees should negotiate transparently and willingly based on an exchange of relevant information. 1. Owners of SEPs should make licenses available on FRAND terms to any and all interested parties that request a license. 2. SEP owners should not discriminate in the licensing of those SEPs — including by category, industry, ...

    Traditional patent law and burdens of proof should be applied to test the merits of SEPs and owners’ royalty demands, just as they are for all patents. 1. SEP owners should not avoid or shift traditional burdens of proof during a FRAND negotiation, alternative dispute resolution, or litigation. 2. SEP owners should identify each SEP to be licensed,...

    No licensor of any type of patent, including SEPs, has a special legal right to collect royalties for only a portfolio-wide license; SEP licensees should not be forced to take bundled or portfolio licenses. 1. SEP licensees should have the ability to choose whether to license individual, select groups of, or entire portfolios of SEPs. 2. SEP licens...

    There should be a common FRAND royalty base that applies equally to all SEP licensors and SEP licensees. 1. The common royalty base for SEPs should be no more than the smallest salable unit where all or substantially all of the inventive aspects of the SEP are practiced. 2. This base should be further apportioned to isolate the SEP value, separate ...

    A FRAND royalty rate should be proportional among SEP licensors and comparable among SEP licensees. 1. A SEP licensor’s pro ratashare of declared SEPs is an objective reference point in a FRAND negotiation. 2. An objective reasonable royalty rate protects against SEP licensors being unjustly enriched through excessive royalties (royalty stacking) t...

    SEP licensors should not seek injunctions to increase their negotiating leverage, except in very rare circumstances. 1. The threat of injunction on even a single SEP creates “hold-up” and distorts arms-length FRAND negotiations. 2. Monetary damages provide a sufficient remedy for SEP infringement. 3. Injunctions should be available only when a SEP ...

    As both an innovator and an implementer of standardized technologies, Apple remains committed to these core FRAND principles, now and in the future.

  3. 产品信息. 概述. STM Saga 背包沿袭 STM 产品系列一贯的元素与便利风格。 拥有悬挂式科技产品分格、充裕的收纳空间,并设有多个口袋。 每项设计都致力于让你的收纳井井有条。 我们的防泼溅背包和公文包采用不含全氟辛酸的 DWR C6 环保材质打造,配以两层聚氨酯涂层 (内部还有一层经过聚氨酯涂层处理的内衬),可妥善保护你的物品。 这款背包适合每日使用,为你带来出色的体验。 亮点. 拉链处覆有一层织物,有助于防止灰尘和潮气侵入。 大容量隐藏式储物袋,取用物品轻松快捷。 外置口袋,方便快速取用读物、登机牌、轻薄外套或零食等物品。 内设拉链网袋。 织带环可固定登山扣、自行车灯及其它配件。 包装内容. STM Saga 背包. 技术规格. 外形:背包. 材质:织物.

  4. Apple 的硬件和软件经过协同设计,带来了出色的增强现实体验。 先进的摄像头、绚丽的显示屏、运动传感器、性能强大的图形处理器,再加上基于用户使用习惯的机器学习技术,和前沿的开发者工具,让这种体验栩栩如生、引人入胜。 而且,对增强现实的支持内置于 iOS 和 iPadOS 系统中,因此除了通过增强现实类 app 之外,你还能在 Safari 浏览器、邮件、信息和文件等 app 中,直接通过 AR 快速查看功能来体验。 更多增强现实类 App, 尽在 App Store。 开发者们正利用增强现实的强大功能,源源不断开发出新的 app。 许多常用的 app 中也新加入了增强现实功能。 现在就去 App Store 中看看吧。 在 App Store 中查看增强现实类 app.

  5. 高等教育机构学生的父母 — 代表目前在中国大陆高校就读或已被录取的子女进行购买的父母。 自中国大陆 Apple Store 在线教育商店购买的产品不得为机构使用或用于转售。 购买资格验证: 有资格的购买人在 Apple Store 零售店购买符合条件的产品时,我们的零售店员工可能会要求顾客出示 (1) 相关学生证/教师证/教职员工证的副本或符合条件的国家/地区内的高等教育机构颁发的学生正式录取通知书 (统称为“资格证明”);以及 (2) 政府颁发并附有照片的相关身份证或非居民使用的护照 (称为“身份证件”)。 Apple Store 零售店员工会现场人工目视查验资格证明和身份证件,以核实相关信息是否相符,以及顾客是否为有权享受促销优惠金额的有资格的购买人。

  6. M1 Pro 为专业用户,将 M1 芯片架构的潜能飙升到全新境界。 有了最多达 10 个中央处理器核心,最多达 16 个图形处理器核心,16 核神经网络引擎,以及支持 H.264、HEVC 和 ProRes 的专用编解码媒体处理引擎,再雄心勃勃的项目,做起来也轻轻松松。

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