雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. NARITA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. The Gateway to Your Aspirations. Narita Airport connects Japan with cities, people, goods, and aspirations from around the world. Search today's flights. Departures. Arrivals. See all departures. Access. Find the most appropriate means of transportation. Floor map.

  2. Narita Airport offers a variety of Information through its social media services. Get recommendations and information updates for Narita Airport on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. We will also post information on X regarding train, road and parking information and expected flight delays. Please follow us to keep up to date on information from ...

  3. This page provides a floor map of each terminal building in Narita Airport. It shows current location and the best route to your destination.

  4. www.narita-airport.jp › zh-tc成田國際機場

    成田國際機場. 連接思念。 成田機場——「連接」日本與世界,城市,人,物,思念。 尋找今天的航班. 出發航班. 到達航班. 查看所有出發航班. 交通資訊. 找尋最合適的交通方式. 樓層平面圖. 您可以在樓層平面圖上搜尋路線、服務及機場資訊! 餐廳・商店. 請在出發、到達和接機的空檔時間,盡情享受餐飲和購物. 熱門搜尋關鍵字. 攜帶液體類物品規定 準備行李 停車場 免稅商店 航空公司資訊 診所. 活動・推薦一覽表. 成田機場新店家陸續開幕♪. 自4月24日起,春秋航空將新開成田=石家莊航線,每週2航班! 自4月26日起,Air Japan將新增成田=新加坡航線,每週5航班! 來自機場的通知一覽表. 發布日期:2024-04-22. 請盡量避免在機場內騎行電動行李箱。

  5. 空港からのお知らせ. 成田国際空港公式サイトです。. 国内線・国際線のフライト情報、航空会社、交通アクセス、レストラン・ショップ、サービス・施設情報などをご案内しています。.

  6. NH / ANA T1. ASIANA. OZ / AAR T1. AUSTRIAN. OS / AUA T1. This page provides information on airlines operating at Narita Airport. You can select a particular airline from the list of airlines by the airline name or airline code.

  7. This is the official guide for passengers departing from Narita Airport. Please refer to this guide for floor maps as well as information on shops and services. Choose a chapter title and click. Narita International Airport Floor Guide -Terminal 1-(Published April 2023) download(PDF:2.59 MB)

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