雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 技術支援. 對借錢手續有疑問?. 邦民日本財務解答你的問題!. 邦民私人貸款申請手續簡易快捷,輕鬆三步即可完成,全程網上進行,貸款一批瞬間過數,了解更多!.

  2. 不過,「債務重組」和「債務舒緩」都需經過債權人同意才能進行。申請人於啟動「債務重組」程序前,更必須先獲得相等於欠款額75%的債權人同意。如果負債過重而未能和債權人達成共識,有機會導致申請失敗,最後只能尋求債務重組或債務舒緩以外的其他辦法。

  3. Common Misconceptions about Loans Some people think that they are not eligible to apply for a loan with credit card debt or an existing loan, but that is not the case! As long as you have a good repayment record and credit score, you can still get a loan approved.

  4. 2019年3月26日 · Latest Update. 2024.03.14. Notice on Suspension of services due to system upgrade. In order to enhance our services, Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. will conduct system upgrade from 00:30 am to 07:30 am on Saturday 30 March 2024 (Hong Kong Time) and the following services will be suspended during this period: Signing Loan Agreement.

  5. Promise provides 24-hour quick and easy online loan services, allowing you to complete loan procedures anytime and anywhere. From application, to contract signing and fund transfer, the entire loan process can be completed on Promise's 24/7 online lending platform. You can even borrow money online late at night, or on weekends to solve your ...

  6. 放債人條例條文撮要 貸款協議的摘記或備忘錄所須 包括或附有的放債人條例條文撮要 以下所列的《放債人條例》(香港法例第163章) ("本條例") 條文撮要,對保障訂立貸款協議的各方均至為重要,應小心閱讀。該撮要並非法例的一部分,如有疑問,應參閱《放債人條例》有關條文。

  7. 邦民的還款方案以日息計算,利息只會計算至全數清還當日,亦不會收取提早清還手續費及罰息,減省不必要的利息開支。. 根據放債人條例,實際利率最高為年息百分之36。. 以貸款HK$200,000、月平息0.2% (以實際年利率4.49%計),按36個月還款期計算,手續費全免 ...