雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 所有入境口岸啓動體温檢測設施. 文錦渡、紅磡直通火車站及上港澳碼頭的入境口岸,將於明日 (十二月十五日)重新啟動體温檢測設施,這是香港所有八個陸路、海路及機場入境口岸最後一批口岸重新為入境人士檢測體温。. 衞生署發言人表示:「入境旅客均 ...

  2. 場的時間、路線及方法的指示。 承擔處置有關屍體的人須遵從該等指 示,如沒有其他人承擔有關屍體的處置,衞生署署長可安排處置該屍

  3. 將「嚴重新型傳染性病原體呼吸系統病」納入《預防及控制疾病條例》(第599章)的法定須呈報傳染病Inclusion of the ‘Severe Respiratory Disease associated with a Novel Infectious Agent’ as a statutorily notifiable infectious disease in the Prevention and Control of Disease Ordinance (Cap. 599) 提升應變 ...

  4. 9 歲以下從未接種過季節性流感疫苗的兒童,則應接種兩劑季節性流感疫苗,而兩劑疫苗的接種時間至少相隔4 個星期。. Children should receive at least one dose of SIV per year. For those under 9 years of age who have never received any seasonal influenza vaccination before are recommended to receive 2 doses ...

  5. Centre for Health Protection

  6. 屏幕時間. 「屏幕時間」指花在任何屏幕前的時間,例如電視、電腦、有屏幕的流動裝置或視像遊戲機。. 過多的屏幕時間會對青少年的身心和社交發展造成不良影響。. 屏幕活動是靜態活動。. 過量的屏幕時間會減少青少年進行戶外活動和參與運動的機會,不 ...

  7. Communicable Diseases Watch. "Communicable Diseases Watch" is an on-line monthly on communicable diseases published by the Centre for Health Protection. The publication aims at providing healthcare professionals with up-to-date infectious disease news and knowledge relevant to Hong Kong.