雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年2月4日 · 無論是靜謐的住宅區、可一窺居民日常生活風景的傳統商店街,抑或是奔馳於城市之間的電車、霓虹閃爍的夜景,五花八門的題材君選擇,刺激著畫家們的靈感。

    • World-Renowned Architects—Celebrated Structures by Four Japanese Architects
    • Kenzo Tange
    • Kisho Kurokawa
    • Tadao Ando
    • Kengo Kuma

    Let's go on a journey and explore the worlds of Kenzo Tange, Kisho Kurokawa, Tadao Ando, and Kengo Kuma—four internationally acclaimed Japanese architects whose masterly works breathe beauty into the metropolis of Tokyo.

    This distinctive hanging-roof structure was built for the 1964 Olympic Games and can be seen a short walk away from Harajuku Station. Today, it still serves as the stage for many sports events, as well as cultural events like concerts.

    Sekiguchi Catholic Church

    Completed in 1964, this cathedral is comprised of eight shell walls arranged in pairs to form a large cross when seen from above. The shape can also be recognized by looking up at the roof from within. The funeral of Tange himself was held in this interior, which rises to a peak of nearly 40 meters. The building is beautiful enough to look at from the outside, but as long as you're there, the solemn interior is worth a visit, too.

    Opened in 2007, this facility features a striking wavy facade. In addition to hosting exhibitions in its 14,000 m2 space, the largest display space in Japan, it also serves as an arts center with an archive and an educational program. Visitors are recommended to spend some time at the restaurant on the 3rd floor or one of at the cafes on the 1st and 2nd floors, which are designed to take in plenty of natural sunlight. ©The National Art Center, Tokyo

    Made to blend in harmony with the landscape, the building was designed to coincide with the height of the zelkova trees lining the street. An atrium stretching three floors above and below street level cuts through the commercial space, where tenants stand side by side along a gently rising spiral ramp that echoes the slope of Omotesando itself. The raw concrete walls and geometrical forms offer a glimpse of Ando's signature style. Photo by Mitsuo Matsuoka

    With a unique form featuring a roof made of giant steel plates that fold over and slope down to the ground, the building is an embodiment of Ando's wish to show the world that Japan is perpetually exploring new possibilities of design.

    Renovated in 2012, this facility stands out for its exterior combining glass and wood. The first and second floors offer tourist information, and the eighth floor terrace observatory commands a panoramic view of Asakusa with Tokyo Skytree in the distance. The building serves as a symbol of the new Asakusa.

    Ginza Kabukiza

    Rebuilt in 2013, this structure features a 16th-century Japanese-style exterior, and gorgeous interior design. Even visitors who choose not to watch a kabuki performance can enjoy the gallery and shops. Behind it is the 29-floor Kabukiza Tower: the tallest structure in the Ginza district.

  2. 2023年7月12日 · 如果想去東京以外的地方旅遊,可以考慮搭乘日本國內航班,日本有許多飛往國內各地的廉價航空君挑選。. 新幹線是日本國內旅遊快速又舒適的交通工具,但票價較高,而搭乘當地的鐵路與巴士雖然可以前往任何地方,票價也便宜,但卻很花時間。. 如果想去 ...

  3. 2020年12月4日 · 東京動漫迷聖地攻略. © 創通・SUNRISE. Updated: December 4, 2020. 有關主題咖啡廳、漫畫、角色扮演與御宅族的種種事物. 雖說在近期以前,藝妓、武士、壽司與相撲一直被視為日本文化的象徵。 然而近來對於千禧世代與數位世代的孩子而言,這些文化的地位已被動畫、漫畫、主題咖啡廳、J-POP與具獨創性的街頭時尚所取代。 而東京更是堪稱孕育日本流行文化的強力溫床,成為嶄新的文化識別中心。 旅遊指南. 「秋葉原」為漫畫與動畫熱潮的中心地。 「原宿」一直被視為日本街頭時尚的根據地。 台場有巨大鋼彈等東京頂尖娛樂設施。 隨處可見卡拉OK酒吧與漫畫咖啡館。 下北澤與中野近年來已成為年輕流行文化的代名詞。 御宅族的集結中心.

  4. 日本最大飯店×娛樂設施複合塔在新宿歌舞伎町誕生囉. 在銀座甜點大街「GINZA SWEETS MARCH」與限定甜品們一起奏樂享美味. KAMEIDO CLOCK:前往下町與現代文化相遇之處,享受購物及美食. 東京中城八重洲。 交通樞紐×東京的購物&餐飲綜合設施. 體驗型藝術展:有樂町的數字藝術花園 植物療法. 日本冬季限定的用餐體驗 東京新時代暖桌咖啡廳三選. 無印良品與3COINS:助力東京之旅,讓您實惠購物.

  5. 2019年11月5日 · Photo by Kinji Kanno. 安藤忠雄(1941年~)以“与自然共生”为目标,不断提出全新的建筑设计。 他游历世界各国后,自学建筑,并成立安藤忠雄建筑研究所。

  6. 2022年3月22日 · 旅遊指南. 在此可選購可愛又風格獨特的日系少女服飾. 澀谷最尖端的流行時尚服飾您挑選. SHIBUYA 109澀谷店共有10層樓,約120間店鋪進駐。. 奇特的圓柱型建築是其特徵,提供時尚、美妝、美食,以及各式各樣娛樂。. 看各個少女一頭金髮、皮膚曬成古銅色 ...

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