雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 根據公務員貸款須知》,公務員貸款的來源通常包括政府內外信譽良好的貸款服務主要包括: 1. 預支薪金. 政府設有預支薪金機制,若果公務員因突發事故或意外,而導致意料不到的額外開支,可以向政府尋求協助,預支往後月份的薪金,以助解決資金周轉問題。 預支薪金後的還款機制,主要以分期攤還為基礎,於一定年期內從薪金扣除指定金額,以作還款用途。 若公務員在扣減款項完結之前離職,則需要立即連同有關利息在內,將未扣減的餘款一併清還。 而在上一次預支薪金後,尚未還清金額,則通常不獲准預支另一筆薪金。 詳情可參閱《公務員事務規例》第618至639條。 2. 員工濟急基金. 濟急基金一般為總薪級表第19點或以下薪酬的非紀律部隊人員以及第一標準薪級表的員工,提供應急經濟援助。

  2. 若您透過以上方式計算出來的稅款相比以標準稅率計算出來的稅款高的話您就可以直接以標準稅率繳交稅款以下為2023/24課稅年度的標準稅率: 15% 累進税率的薪俸稅計算方式是將您的應課税年薪俸稅收入分成不同層次然後對每個層次的收入按相應的薪俸稅稅率計算有需要可以使用政府提供的薪俸稅計算機,即可於交稅前做好估算,輕鬆解決薪俸稅計算問題! 2023/24課稅年度薪俸稅計算機: https://www.ird.gov.hk/chi/ese/st_comp_2023_24/cstcfrm.htm. 薪俸稅扣除和免稅額: 香港的稅務條例規定了一些免稅額,幫助納稅人減少稅務負擔,而上述所提及的交稅計算機已經將這些免稅額包含在內。 只需要在稅務計算機中填寫有關金額便可以幫您計算,相當方便!

  3. 2019年3月26日 · Latest Update. 2024.03.14. Notice on Suspension of services due to system upgrade. In order to enhance our services, Promise (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. will conduct system upgrade from 00:30 am to 07:30 am on Saturday 30 March 2024 (Hong Kong Time) and the following services will be suspended during this period: Signing Loan Agreement.

  4. Here is the tax rates for the Year of Assessment 2023/24: On the First $50,000:2% On the Next $50,000:6% On the Next $50,000:10% On the Next $50,000:14% Remainder:17% If the salaries tax you need to pay under the progressive tax rate is higher than the standard tax rate, you can simply pay the tax by using the standard tax rate.

  5. From 1 April 2024 to 30 June 2024, members are entitled to obtain a cash reward of HK$1,000 if a relative/friend is referred to join us.

  6. Latest Offers. Privilege Offer for Selected Member. Thank you for your continued support! As a privilege selected member, Promise has prepared a special reward just for you. You will be entitled up to HK$10,000 Cash Reward if you have successfully drawn down the loan on or before 30 April 2024.

  7. Check out the eligibility to apply for the Unemployment Loan. Borrowing while unemployed and jobless? Check out the eligibility to apply for the Unemployment Loan. Updated on 2022.04.22. Unemployment rate has surged to new highs as Hong Kong's economy is hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic.