雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 價格:1組3種口味約1,080日幣,亦有其他組合990~1,260日幣. 福岡機場必買調味料!. 牙膏式辣味明太子醬. 和上述的明太子鮪魚罐頭出自同一家製造商的條狀醬料「ツブチューブ(tubu tube)」,除了有著鮮豔可愛的包裝外,嚴選自福岡博多產的明太子,再加上柚子 ...

  2. 2021年10月6日 · 原本僅是作為解決生理需求的公廁,在藝術家、設計師、建築師運用科技等發想巧思下,成為了藝術作品,成為了大家的共通話題,之後或許更會化身為東京新一波觀光景點,有機會前往朝聖的時候,別忘了也實際踏入廁所,親身體驗日本全新升級的「 廁所的 ...

  3. 鄰近東京池袋的染井溫泉「SAKURA」,距離巢鴨站無需十分鐘路程,卻能享受與世隔絕的靜謐氛圍!首先,印入眼簾優雅的日式庭園,讓人彷彿來到郊區的高級溫泉旅館,而其內供應的溫泉也不容小覷,是從地下1,800公尺湧出的天然溫泉,素有美人湯之稱,其保濕、滋潤肌膚的效果加上岩盤浴,超適合 ...

  4. 2019年6月11日 · https://pixta.jp/. The first step is to open the front panel on your unit. Once it is open, you'll find one or more thin filters in place— gently remove them from the AC unit. Take the filters outside (or into a room like your bathroom or shower room) and rinse the filters with water and a cleaning product.

  5. 入秋的日本正迎來泡溫泉最合適的季節,然而,多數的溫泉旅館都以情侶、家庭等單位來考量顧客的需求,反倒使想要享受一人旅的朋友時常沒有辦法找到適合的溫泉旅館。不過,只要掌握「不選湯型溫泉」、「不選只供應自助餐的旅館」、「不選房間數超過50間的大型旅館」等三不原則,你也能 ...

  6. 2019年4月23日 · Home is where the heart is, regardless of the size, as demonstrated by Japan's "tiny houses." For reference, a "tiny house" typically refers to a house with less than 20 square meters (or about 215 square feet) of floor space. The idea is to maximize efficiency by fitting everything anyone could need in a space the size of eight tatami mats.

  7. 2017年9月14日 · 5. U-mobile. U-mobile was one of the first SIM-only options available in Japan. Using a part of the NTT Docomo network, they offer a fairly stable 4G connection all over Japan. However, the customer service options are not great as it's the company's policy to charge for a new SIM card if there's a fault with the one you already purchased. 4.