雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. The Hong Kong Jockey Club. Dr John Chan. Former Chairman (2006-2010) The Hong Kong Jockey Club. Mr T Brian Stevenson. Former Chairman (2010-2014) The Hong Kong Jockey Club. Dr Simon Ip. Former Chairman (2014-2018)

  2. Exhibition Details. Characterised by the dramatic contrast of light and dark, exaggerated movement and pronounced figures’ facial expressions, historians coined the term Baroque to define 17th century Italian art which focuses on high tension and realistic representations of emotions.

  3. We enable sustainable development in Hong Kong and help the community to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Our support includes working with the not-for-profit sector to reduce their carbon emissions and minimise environmental impact. Our programmes also help to improve waste management across the community, conserve biodiversity, and ...

  4. 「香港賽馬會獎學金」1998年創辦,是馬會培育本地人才的慈善項目。 25年來,獎學金計劃不斷發展,2015年增設海外研究生獎學金,更開始惠及職業訓練局的同學,以及如Michelle一樣、有特殊教育需要的學生。 今天,「香港賽馬會獎學金」總撥款超過8.7億港元,頒發予超過1,000位獎學金得主。 未來,Michelle希望在音樂家生涯之餘,投入融合教育的工作,讓更多特殊需要人士找到適合自己的學習模式。 話你知. 「香港賽馬會獎學金」希望得主們不僅發揮學術潛能,也要盡心服務社群。 25年來 ,獲資助者來自不同背景,有華裔學生,也有少數族裔,有的醉心音樂,有的潛心大氣科學、航天工程、動物學,有的致力於教書育人,其中也有不少有特殊學習需要的同學。

  5. As Hong Kong’s first cross-sectoral support platform on Career and Life Development (CLD), it strives to bring together the education, business, and community sectors to facilitate the transition from school to work for young people.

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  6. News and Activities. Join us on an exciting journey to explore more about Hong Kong, and be part of our latest programmes and activities. Learn More. HKJC Celebrates Tai Kwun - ENCORE! “The HKJC Series: The Ancient Civilisation of the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties in Henan Province” Exhibition. The 9th Hong Kong Games.

  7. 編舞家衛承天呈獻全新創意編舞《仙履奇緣》,以伍烈及劉榮豐《古典芭蕾冇有怕:〈仙履奇緣〉篇》的原創概念及劇本為藍本,並由導演黃俊達率領一眾香港芭蕾舞團舞蹈員共同演繹這則新經典童話!