雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 仲裁. 當交易各方產生糾紛,尤其涉及國際性合約時,仲裁常常取代訴訟成為人們解決爭議的方式。. 現時越來越多合約列有「仲裁條款」,訂明雙方有爭議時須透過仲裁解決,即是指將爭議交給非法院的獨立第三方 (仲裁員)審理。. 審理後仲裁員會發出仲裁裁決 ...

  2. 問:證婚需提交甚麼文件?. 答:如:準新人年滿二十一歲,未婚均持香港永久性居民身份証, 需提供以下証件正本及資料. 男女雙方的香港身份証. 男女雙方的中英文姓名, 中英文職位, 現居中英文住址. 男女雙方的聯絡電話. 男女雙方父母的身份証複印本 (如 ...

  3. 特定授權書. 「持久授權書」是一份法律文件,容許授權人(即打算將其權力授予其他人的人)在精神上有能力行事時,委任受權人,以便在授權人日後變為精神上無行為能力時,受權人可照顧其財務事項。. 一般授權書在授權人變為精神上無行為能力時,便會 ...

  4. About Us. Since our establishment in 2001, our firm has been based in Hong Kong and is committed to providing quality and professional legal services. At present, we have three offices in Hong Kong, located in Central, Mong Kok and West Kowloon respectively. Over the years, we have evolved from a law firm that specialized in debt restructuring ...

  5. Medical Negligence. Medical negligence is professional negligence resulting from an act or omission on the part of a health care provider in which the care provided deviates from accepted standards of medical practice and causes injury or death to the patient. The patient or the deceased’s family may bring a civil claim against the health ...

  6. A: The following circumstances: Employer (or insurance company) disputes liability. Employer defaults in payment without good reasons or the company closed down. There is dispute as to compensation items, such as “area of injury”, “salary calculation” and “medical assessment result” etc. It takes probably more than 2 years to deal ...

  7. 離婚、子女管養權、贍養費、財產分配 本行代辦各類與婚姻、子女管養有關等事宜(無爭議/有爭議): 草擬分居通知/協議書 草擬離婚法律文件或協議 申請離婚 離婚訴訟 申請婚姻無效 申請裁判分居 爭取子女管養權或探視權

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