雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 報名「迪士尼幻想工程香港挑戰賽」. 「迪士尼幻想工程香港挑戰賽」邀請本地院校的學生,發揮創意,融合技術與美術,設計一項全新體驗。. 藉著是次機會,參賽者可一展才華,展示跨越國界的創新意念。.

  2. DISNEY IMAGINATIONS. Disney Imaginations Hong Kong Design Competition 2024. Disney Imaginations Hong Kong Design Competition 2024. Disney Imaginations Hong Kong Design Competition 2024. Disney Imaginations Hong Kong Design Competition 2024. Title. 2024 Imaginations Leaflet_OL_14092023 copy. Created Date.

  3. Enroll Disney Imaginations HK Competition. Students from selected institutions in Hong Kong are invited to use their technical, artistic and creative skills to propose concepts for an immersive experience. This represents a great opportunity for participants to showcase their talent for integrating innovative and globally diverse ideas.

  4. 报名“迪士尼幻想工程香港挑战赛”. “迪士尼幻想工程香港挑战赛”邀请本地院校的学生,发挥创意,融合技术与美术,设计一项全新体验。. 藉着是次机会,参赛者可一展才华,展示跨越国界的创新意念。.

  5. About Hong Kong Disneyland | Hong Kong Disneyland Resort

  6. hkcorporate.hongkongdisneyland.com

  7. 香港迪士尼樂園自2013年起,聯同家庭與學校合作事宜委員會(家校會)舉辦全港性的「伴你高飛」獎勵計劃。這個計劃廣受全港小學歡迎,每年參加人數眾多。這個年度獎勵計劃給予不同才能的學生的肯定,發掘在學術以外的潛能,更鼓勵家長陪同孩子追求夢想。