雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 草姬不以生意利潤為前題,以守護市民的健康為第一位,因此經歷過沙士、新冠肺炎等大大小小的經濟衝擊,依舊屹立不倒。. 而草姬團隊多年來的努力和成就,都備受各方的肯定和讚賞,多年來獲得社會各界的嘉許,先後榮獲「香港星級品牌-企業獎」、「全國 ...

  2. 草姬和我的歲月. 草姬品牌于2000年創立,由三位員工到現在超過二百位員工,由一款產品到超過七十多款產品,會員迄今已達二十萬位。. 我們很早察覺到,「健康」是每一個人活得快樂的必須條件,但往往是大家最容易掉以輕心及忽視的,而草姬選擇對了保健 ...

  3. Herbs brand was founded in 1998, the company’s aim is to bring every families with health, beauty, happiness and care. Herbs introduces different healthy foods, including Chinese formula series and Western formula series, pay effort to enhance public health, promote diseases prevention and enhance the physique to reduce risk.

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  5. Contact Us. Product Enquiry: (852) 2530 5191. Wholesales Hotline: (852) 2530 5191. Overseas hotline: (852) 2530 5191. Email: general@herbs.hk.

  6. herbs.hk › articles-cn › 50健身教練ivy-我從不隱瞞健康资讯 - Herbs

    2022年11月25日 · 发布于: November 25, 2022. 50歲開始遇到的問題. 今年踏入50歲,人稱「凍齡靚媽」兼健身教練的賴維茵 (Ivy Lai),表示更年期後身體機能急劇下降、肌肉耐力不足、皮膚乾燥和無光澤、記憶和腦轉數變差,更出現失眠等問題,十分影響她的工作和自信心 ...

  7. Awards and Certification. Herbs Generation International Limited was established in 2000 so far, the introduction of different healthy foods, including Kampo series, Yang Fang series, live series, tea, loved by the general public. In addition, Herbs brand philosophy is committed to enhancing the public physical and mental health, to promote and ...