雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年7月10日 · 信貸全年無休24HR自動撥款. 免自行上傳準備財力文件,辦卡、申貸更輕鬆. 渣打幫你省時省力,申辦步驟可選擇免上傳財力證明. 透過行動電話認證 (Mobile ID)取得Mydata財力證明文件 (「健保投保資料+勞保投保資料」或「所得清單+勞保投保資料」) 立即申貸. 信用卡 ...

  2. 2023年8月23日 · 此外,本行為提升客戶之網路交易安全,已全面停用SSL 3.0,TLS 1.0及TLS 1.1服務。若您欲使用本行自動化通路服務,如網路銀行、行動銀行、友善金融網路服務、網路ATM或線上開戶等,請確保您使用瀏覽器(Edge、Chrome、Firefox等)已更新至最新

  3. Standard Chartered strives to bring you a fast and comprehensive online banking experience. Our Online Banking platform is convenient, secure and easy to use, with a wide range of banking features designed for your needs. Learn more. Login Now. Quick starter guide for Digital Banking. Register to unlock wide range of banking services.

  4. 渣打銀行提供數百檔不同計價幣別及到期年限海外債券,可依您投資需求及可承受投資風險做出適切配置, ... 若您透過線上 申辦,可於渣打官網線上輸入相關資訊立即查詢您辦卡進度或透過電話語音查詢: (02)4058-0088,撥通後按94再按1,輸入 ...

  5. Starting at interest rate 0.99% per month. Apply Now. Continue to Login. Register for Digital Banking. Click, Pay! BIll Payments are just that easy. Login into online banking or SC Mobile and click on Bill Payments. Introducing the all new Bill payments Platform, a one stop solution for all your payments needs!

  6. Corporate and Investment Banking. We are a connector for corporates and financial institutions across the world’s most dynamic markets to unlock the most exciting growth opportunities. From transaction banking to financial markets and advisory services and solutions. From here, possibilities are everywhere.

  7. ENHANCING OUR ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING PROCEDURES. In line with enhancements to our Group Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Procedures we now require the following information for all cross-border payment transactions, regardless of currency: The beneficiary’s full name, account number and address including country.