雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Approx. 25-40 minute sightseeing cruise from Togendai-ko to Hakone-machi-ko/Moto-Hakone-ko. The Hakone scenery seen from the lake is completely beautiful. In the ship, 3D art and pirate objects, etc., can be enjoyed by children and adults alike.

  2. 2024年6月25日 · Hakone Ashinoko Narukawa Art Museum offers a mesmerizing scenery of Mt Fuji and the surrounding area, which you can admire through a gigantic glass window at the observation deck. The best time to visit is in the morning, when the museum isn’t overflowing with visitors. That way you can peacefully savor the moment.

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  3. At Lake Ashi, a serene lake surrounded by mountains, a pirate ship cruise runs between the three ports of Hakonemachi-ko, Motohakone-ko and Togendai-ko. Three ships with different designs sail on the lake, and the visitors can enjoy the grand view of the

  4. Hakonemachi-ko. The Lake Ashi area is known for Hakone-jinja Shrine and Hakone Sightseeing Cruise. Fantastic views of Mount Fuji can be seen from Motohakone and Hakonemachi-ko.

  5. 地址. 神奈川県足柄下郡箱根町 [ Google Maps ] 交通方式. 從箱根湯本站 (OH51)搭乘箱根登山巴士 (R路線約22分鐘、H路線約41分鐘),於「箱根町港 (OH67)」公車站下車,轉乘往湯河原站方向的公車,約8分鐘於「大観山」公車站下車. Facebook. Twitter. Line. 相關景點. 查看更多. 箱根湯本站周邊 (沿國道1號) 箱根玻璃之森林美術館. 箱根強羅公園. 箱根神社. 九頭龍神社 本宮. 恩賜箱根公園/櫻. 成川美術館. 查看更多. 標高1,015m,可從觀光收費公路「ANEST岩田收費公路箱根」的「大觀山展望台」眺望欣賞。

  6. It is said that the protector of Ashinoko Lake, the great Kuzuryu deity, is enshrined there. The shrine's legend is about a monk, Mangan Shonin, who was bestowed with a special power from the deity of Hakone Shrine to try and vanquish an evil dragon that lived in Ashinoko Lake and often tormented people.

  7. The Mishima Skywalk is a picturesque scenery spot where you can see Mt. Fuji from a gigantic suspension bridge. A total length of 400m, it is Japan’s longest pedestrian suspension bridge.