雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 如果你經常使用電腦,眼睛長時間對住螢幕,容易疲勞,肩頸肌肉繃緊。而且手部經常使用滑鼠,容易患上網球肘及肌腱炎等,所以應該定時做伸展運動,減低勞損的機會。

  2. THe Hong Kong Jockey Club Experience Shop _Dine Play Watch Mission. From 01 Jun to 31 Aug 2024 (until stock last) Central, Stanley Street shop offers enhanced betting facilities, quality F&B services (Lady M and Tic Tac Room) and themed leisure activities.

  3. 歡迎來到體驗店!店內糅合餐飲、消閒及數碼化投注的娛樂設施,銳意為顧客提供更全面的投注娛樂新體驗。 ... 博彩要有節制 未滿十八歲人士不得投注或進入可投注的地方。 向非法或海外莊家下注,即屬違法,且可被判監禁。

  4. 125週年紀念特輯. 馬會125週年及馬票開奬 (11:30) 馬會歷史篇 (2:30) 保職創職篇 (2:30) 馬票橫財篇 (2:30) 精益求精篇 (2:30)

  5. Don't gamble your life away. Call Ping Wo Fund hotline 1834 6333 if you need help or counselling. HKJC experience shops have integrated catering, leisure and betting services in one location, bringing a whole new entertainment experience to customers.

  6. special.hkjc.com › ocb › lohas-b288The LOHAS Shop - HKJC

    The LOHAS shop introduces new elements of leisure and lifestyle such as workshops, KOL sharing sessions and racing simulators to customers.

  7. 投注入門 -. 投注彩池及回扣 - 位置Q示範短片. 為你介紹本會各項賽馬平分彩金彩池、固定賠率投注種類、投注方式及步驟,讓你體驗賽馬博彩的樂趣。.