雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Zori support the foot with a thong in between the toes, promoting good health. Wearing zori without socks lets you feel the good weather on your feet for a sensation that is almost like walking barefoot. Wearing Nuno Zori indoors instead of a pair of slippers provides the soft, comfortable touch of fabric that is a bit different from traditional rice straw.

  2. While the new walking style might feel strange at first, these tips and techniques used by geta wearers in Japan for centuries are designed to keep feet pain-free, leaving us with more energy to enjoy the fireworks and festival stalls. Try it the next time you’re out at a summer festival!

  3. 日文難學嗎?有無數的人問過我這個問題。其實,每一種語言都有其獨特的地方,比如,日文中有許多擬音詞、擬態詞,對初學日語的外國人來說太過抽象,很難掌握。要知道,單是表達疼痛的詞,在日語裡就有好多好多呢。

  4. 得等到11月上旬才能看到紅葉身影得九州地區,是赴日賞楓得最後一波的賞楓大本營。這次讓我們將目標鎖定在福岡郊區 (意味著需要自駕),在大自然中享受追楓的樂趣,同時也來認識幾個你未曾聽過的福岡名勝吧!

  5. Onitsuka Tiger is a shoe brand launched by Kihachiro Onitsuka, the founder of Onitsuka Corporation, who in 1950 became known for developing basketball shoes for athletes, a technically challenging feat at that time. Onitsuka continued to develop pro-level footwear for various sports, and his creations could be seen on athletes across the world ...

  6. In their essence, Japanese manholes reflect some core values of Japanese culture; respect (of people and the environment), attention to details and presentation, and bringing opposing elements together. If you walk around the streets of Tokyo, it is not uncommon to see an old shrine lodged in between big modern buildings.

  7. Art director Yuni Yoshida has an ongoing series in Japanese fashion magazine Soen in which she collaborates with different celebrities for an artful spread called “Play a Sensation.” Currently in its 38th iteration, each month, Yoshida turns her creativity to a different Japanese celebrity, rendering them into works of art using mostly analog techniques. Some are utterly simple, leaving ...