雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. PROMIZ(PMZ) (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 是由約定(Promise)與李敏鎬(Lee Min Ho),還有李敏鎬的粉絲們 MINOZ,組合而成的單詞,意味著「將李敏鎬與粉絲們愛籌集,並且分享出去」特別是,Promiz是李敏鎬在長久的準備下誕生的,計畫每年

  2. 李敏鎬鐵桿後援會)2018年1月21日~25日,為祝賀李敏鎬首部男主電影《江南1970》上映三周年,電視劇《藍色大海的傳說》大結局一周年,李敏鎬鐵桿後援會開展「冬衣送暖」活動,為三所小學捐贈衝鋒衣189件。

  3. 5月,李敏镐通过《秘密的校园》朴斗贤一角,以艺名“李敏”正式出道。 《秘密的校园》导演李昌永(이창용)在一次采访中回想:“李敏镐是以擅长足球出线的,所以因为他运动好,长得帅,很有男子气概,又是(演技)很值得信赖的配角,就选了李敏镐 ...

  4. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Lee_Min-hoLee Min-ho - Wikipedia

    • 2002–2008: Beginnings
    • 2009–2010: Breakthrough
    • 2011–2013: Global Fame
    • 2014–2017: Continued Success and Return to Films
    • 2019–Present: Comeback from Military Service and Hollywood Debut

    Lee started auditioning and landed minor roles in several television shows such as Romance (2002), Nonstop (2000–2006) and Recipe of Love (2005). His official debut (main) role was in the EBS series Secret Campus (2006). Early in his career, Lee went by the stage name Lee Min because his agency thought his birth name was too ordinary. However, as h...

    Lee's breakthrough came in 2009 with the lead role of Gu Jun-pyo in KBS2' Boys Over Flowers, the Korean adaptation of the popular shōjo manga of the same name. Competition for the role was intense and Lee only found out that he had been cast through newspaper articles. The series attracted high viewership ratings and buzz in South Korea during its ...

    In 2011, he took on the role of the titular character in action drama City Hunter, which was loosely based on Tsukasa Hojo's popular manga of the same name. The series was a commercial success and contributed to Lee's growing popularity, most notably in Japan, Philippines, China, and in France. He participated in the popular Chinese variety show Ha...

    In January 2014, a second wax figure of Lee was unveiled at Madame Tussauds Hong Kong. On January 30, Lee became the first Korean celebrity to perform on China's CCTV Lunar New Year Gala. He sang a song with Harlem Yu, the original singer of the theme song of Meteor Garden, the Taiwanese version of Boys Over Flowers. He was also invited to the thir...

    In 2019, Lee was cast in the SBS-broadcast and Netflix-distributed fantasy romance The King: Eternal Monarch written by The Heirs screenwriter Kim Eun-sook. It was hailed as one of the most anticipated series of the first half of 2020, serving as Lee's comeback following his release from mandatory military service. The series set a record for SBS's...

  5. 李敏鎬 ( 韓文 : 이민호 , 1987年 6月22號 —),係 韓國 男演員,喺 首爾 出世,2006年出道,2009年憑主演電視劇《 花樣男子 》開始出名,之後比較出名嘅主演電視劇包括2013年嘅《 繼承者們 》同2016年嘅《 藍海傳說 》。 出面網頁. 維基同享 有多媒體嘅嘢: Lee Min-ho. 李敏鎬 喺 互聯網電影資料庫 嘅資料 (英文) 李敏鎬喺 韓國電影資料庫 (韓文:한국영화 데이터베이스) 嘅資料( 韓文 / 英文 ) 李敏鎬嘅官方網站 (韓文) 李敏鎬嘅官方網站 (日文) 李敏鎬嘅官方網站 (簡體中文) 李敏鎬嘅facebook頁. 李敏鎬嘅Instagram頁. 李敏鎬嘅Twitter. 李敏鎬嘅新浪微博. YouTube 上面嘅 李敏鎬嘅頻道. 屬於5類 :

  6. 李敏鎬(이민호、Lee MinHo),1987年6月22日出生於韓國首爾,韓國男演員。2006年,以電視劇《秘密的校園》正式出道。2009年因電視劇《花樣男子》被亞洲觀眾廣泛熟知,並憑該劇獲得第45屆韓國百想藝術大賞最佳新人獎。

  7. www.wikiwand.com › zh-tw › 李敏鎬李敏鎬 - Wikiwand

    李敏鎬 ( 韓語: , 1987年6月22日— ), 韓國 男演員 ,身高187公分,2006年以《 秘密的校園 》正式出道,2009主演《 花樣男子 》獲第45屆 百想藝術大獎 電視部門最佳新人獎後紅極一時,2013年主演《 繼承者們 》再創演藝事業高峰,2015年主演電影《 江南1970 》獲第52屆 韓國電影大鐘獎 最佳新人男演員獎, 2016年主演韓劇《 藍色海洋的傳說 》後獲選成為2017年韓國國家品牌大賞獲獎人,韓國國家Brand振興院也對於他在世界各地的影響力和對韓流發展貢獻給予了肯定 ,2017年5月12日以公益兵入伍(2019年4月25日退役 )。2019年7月被委任為韓國文化體育觀光部與世宗學堂宣傳大使, 拍攝影片向全世界推廣韓文、韓國文化。

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