雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. A. Introduction B. Stamping Procedures C. Registration Procedures D. Submission of Form CR109 Book traversal links for Guidance notes for the stamping, registration and submission of Form CR 109 for a residential tenancy agreement ‹ previous ‹ 上一頁 ‹ 上一页 ...

  2. The registration fee for any tenancy agreement or agreement for tenancy agreement is $210. The fees can be paid by cash/ EPS/ credit card. All the fees payable would not be refunded in all circumstances. Procedures for private lodgement of a tenancy agreement. Tenancy agreement can be lodged for registration at the Land Registry either by ...

  3. The deadline to start a civil action is prescribed in the Limitation Ordinance. For example, a civil action for breach of a commercial contract must be instituted within 6 years from the date on which the breach of contract happened ( section 4 (1) (a) of the Limitation Ordinance , Cap. 347 of the Laws of Hong Kong).

  4. copyrighted work on the Internet without a licence constitutes distribution of infringing copies to a potentially huge number of users. Even if Him makes no money out of such sharing, he is likely to have committed an offence contrary to Section 118(1)(g) ...

  5. 簡介. 「住宅租約不求人:電子資料册」 (下稱「資料册」)旨為協助市民大衆在無需聘用律師的情況下仍能自行草擬及簽訂有效住宅租賃協議。 資料册內含一套住宅租約範本及一份有關加蓋印花、註冊和提交表格CR109的指引。 住宅租約範本及指引均備有中英文本。 市民大衆可以自行修改及使用租約範本,以切合實際租賃需求。 指引則提供了一份全面的指南,述明在簽署住宅租賃協議後,市民須採取何等步驟,以符合關於加蓋印花、註冊及提交表格CR109等的法例規定。 住宅租約範本. 住宅租約: 關於加蓋印花、註冊及提交表格CR109的指引. 免責聲明. 確認聲明. 下一頁 ›.

  6. 重要事項 社區法網提供的資料只供初步參考,而有關資料並非正式法律意見。閣下如欲就任何法律事項取得更詳盡的資料或 ...

  7. M 小姐首先須提名一位代名人,為她執行及監察有關 IVA 的事項,她亦須將 IVA建議書及其資產負債狀況說明書交給代名人審閱。 此外,M 小姐須向法庭申請頒布臨時命令(法庭將會定出十四天之寬限期,未獲法庭許可,任何針對 M 小姐的破產或其他法律訴訟程序都不能在這段寬限期內採取或繼續進行),讓有關人士有充足時間去考慮或修改 M 小姐的建議書。 代名人須 就 M 小姐的 IVA 建議向法庭呈交報告,說明是否應召開債權人會議以討論有關建議。 在一般情況下,債權人會議會被召開。 ‹ 上一頁. 返回首頁. 下一頁 ›. 選擇副題.

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