雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 74 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong. (Main Entrance: 21 Stanley Street) Tel: +852 2308 3188. Stay at The Pottinger HK, a boutique hotel standing at the gateway between historic landmarks and happening hotspots. Explore old and new Hong Kong today.

  2. Born in Shanghai in 1931, Fan Ho first delved into photography at the age of 14, when his father gave him a Rolleiflex twin-lens camera. After moving to Hong Kong in 1949, he began taking photographs of the streets and alleys of old Central, and of other markets and street stalls in the Hong Kong of the time.

  3. 砵甸乍套房設計優美和雅緻,處處滲透東方氣息。. 房內附設獨立的生活空間,加上雲石浴室,使套房散發著私人住宅的品味和舒適感。. 今天就預訂住宿。.

  4. 樓高兩層的堤岸酒吧及餐廳坐擁維港景緻,令您在品嚐美饌之餘也同時滿足視覺享受。. 餐廳提供早餐、半自助午餐及晚餐、亞洲及西式單點美食、時令菜譜及下午茶;於酒吧部份提供多款啤酒、葡萄酒及特色雞尾酒,亦設每日「歡樂時光」讓您開懷暢飲盡興 ...

  5. 置身雅緻的尊尚客房,享受寬敞的起居空間及舒適的佈置。. 房間面積達至38平方米,結合現代及懷舊的裝潢,散發著中西合璧的氛圍。. 空間感十足的浴室,時尚簡約,倍添旅行享受。. 詳情. 預訂客房. 下一個. 精緻套房. 六間舒適的精緻套房均以中環.石板街 ...

  6. 香港. 位處歷史地標與時尚熱點的交滙地帶,中環.石板街酒店誠邀貴賓探索匯萃東西文化的香港。. 無論沿著石板街 (即砵典乍街)發掘歷史悠久社區的老香港,又或到中環感受高樓大廈與名店匯聚的繁華現代都會,都必會令人留下深刻印象。. 著名攝影師何藩 ...

  7. Book Now. Satisfy your palate while enjoying the stunning views of Hong Kong’s iconic Victoria Harbour at the two-storey Pierside Bar & Restaurant, offering breakfast, semi-buffet lunch and dinner, an à la carte menu which accents Asian and western favourites, seasonal sets as well as afternoon tea.