雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. Building on our insights from last year, HSBC Premier has conducted a survey* in Hong Kong to examine the market landscape further. The HSBC Premier 2023 Affluent Survey delves deeper into the evolving financial goals and landscapes of Hong Kong’s affluents.

  2. *是次调查共访问了1098名香港中产。 基于去年的洞察,汇丰卓越理财再次香港中产进行调查*,以进一步了解最新香港中产的观点。 汇丰卓越理财2023新中产报告深入探讨中产的理财目标及变化。

  3. 从最经典的开始,其中包括街头特色小吃、传统包点以及港式茶餐厅的地道美食! 经典本地美食包括: 咖喱鱼蛋. 绝对是香港人最喜爱的小吃! 无论是原味、炸的或辣的,都始终比不上咖喱味。 爽口弹牙的鱼蛋,搭配浓郁辛香的咖喱汁,一口一颗,鲜美开胃…您没吃过,又怎么好意思说自己在香港生活过? 蛋挞. 层层松脆的酥皮,裹着嫩滑的奶香蛋黄。 出炉时,冒着热气,立即送入口中,是品尝蛋挞的最佳时刻。 菠萝包. 松软面包上,是形如菠萝的香、甜、脆面层,无论是忠于原味的菠萝包,还是中间夹入厚厚一层松软牛油,成为邪恶却极美味的菠萝油,口感都极佳! 干炒牛河. 茶餐厅名菜! 米香四溢的河粉,配上大大块香软入味的牛肉。 不只要色香味俱全,热腾腾的镬气更是星级干炒牛河的必备条件。 车仔面. 随您自由搭配的汤面。

    • 江漢杜甫1
    • 江漢杜甫2
    • 江漢杜甫3
    • 江漢杜甫4
    • 江漢杜甫5
  4. The Art of Progress. Creating harmony between data technology and the arts. HSBC aspires to turn the capturing of opportunities into an art form. This art piece reimagines the movements of the Hang Seng Index as a majestic mountain range. Peaks, valleys, slopes and inclines shift according to the natural variations of the market.

  5. Data visualisation and interactive experience. This interactive art piece visually translates the real-time movements of the Hang Seng Index into a mountain landscape. Approach the installation and become part of the scenery, thriving together with us as enchanting birds follow your movements and bauhinia flowers blossom all around you.

  6. Threads of Life is inspired by a magnificent Chinese silk tapestry presented by local merchants to HSBC’s Chief Manager Sir Thomas Jackson on his retirement way back in 1902. The various animals and flowers embroidered on the tapestry were auspicious symbols selected to wish him good luck for the future.

  7. retailbank.hsbc.com.hk › zh-hk › mortgage-calculatorAffordability Calculator | HSBC

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