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  1. 2023年2月24日 · 當您與Stacy對話時,您可選擇「聯絡線上客戶顧問」。選取後您將會進入另一個對話視窗,並於辦公時間內連接線上客戶顧問。如線上客戶顧問繁忙中,您仍可詳細留下您想查詢的問題,我們會盡快透過文字訊息回覆您。 回到頁頂

  2. 2023年5月17日 · 渣打網上理財讓生活化繁為簡,透過簡單清晰的介面,您的戶口狀況即時一目了然。. 配合可靠的保安技術,進行網上交易更安心無憂。.

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  5. SC Wealth Select. Gain better control of your wealth through our Today, Tomorrow, Forever approach, wealth principles, and robust advisory process. The 5 Key Wealth Principles. Growing and protecting your wealth successfully requires following some important principles.

  6. 2020年8月5日 · Appointed Ben was appointed Standard Chartered’s President, International in April 2024. He sits on the Group’s Management Team and is the Chairman of both Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited and Standard Chartered Bank (Singapore) Limited. Career Ben joined Standard Chartered in 1992 and has held a number of senior management positions spanning corporate, commercial and retail...

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