雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 澳洲技術移民 計分 相關

  2. 澳洲技術移民、投資移民、傑出人才GTI,我們為你訂造最合適計劃,貼心服務,以客為本。 由香港律師事務所代辦,豐富實戰經驗,成功辦理多類移民個案。澳洲移民網上講座,歡迎報名參加。


  1. 2017年1月26日 · 在世界范围内,日本与67个国家签署了免签证协议,凡是以旅游为目的话,这些国家的公民访日时均无需办理签证。 这些国家包括澳大利亚,新西兰,加拿大,美国和大部分欧洲国家。 对于大部分享有免签待遇的国家公民而言,他们可以获得为期90天的短期居留许可。

  2. 2017年6月27日 · First off, even under the new rules, permanent residency for “Cool Japan Human Resources” (as some are calling the classification) still requires at least one year working in Japan before you can apply. In other words, you’ll need to find a way to get a foot in the door of Japanese professional life before planting both feet here for good.

  3. 令外國人瘋狂的日本大麥若葉青汁. 健康. 大麥若葉青汁是日本有名的健康食品,不僅擁有較長的歷史背景,而且種類繁多,可以說是日本國民健康食品的代表之一。. 近年來,日本青汁的超高評價吸引了外國遊客搶購,曾經掀起了一陣青汁風潮。.

  4. 2021年3月12日 · In a move to make the process of changing, extending, and/or renewing a visa status, the Japanese government has announced that from April 2021, foreign residents will be able to complete these processes online through a computer or a smartphone. To be eligible, foreign residents must have a valid residence card ( zairyu card - 在留カード ...

  5. 2019年4月4日 · Download the form from here and fill it out carefully. Double check that you have everything, or you may be asked to refile your application. ・A 4cm x 3cm Photo. Be sure to look clean, put together and friendly in your photo. The photo should only be from the shoulders up, just like a passport photo.

  6. 2023年8月18日 · 5. 日本橋富山館(日本橋とやま館) 時尚的建築外觀自不必說,店內的裝飾也很引人注目。為傳達富山縣的特色生活方式,2016年開業的富山館有商店、日式餐廳、酒吧休息室、觀光交流沙龍。在這裡能感受富山豐富的飲食、文化、傳統、技術等、此外邀請與富山有關的嘉賓參加的體驗型活動也很多。

  7. 2019年1月23日 · This summer the Ministry of Justice began granting special long-term visas to fourth-generation Nikkei Japanese. If they meet the requirements—including having adequate Japanese-language ability and a supporter—applicants can receive a visa of up to five years with no limits on the type of work they do. According to The Association of ...