雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 4 天前 · 2024年6月3日. 為推動私人住宅處所住戶培養廢物源頭分類習慣,並確保回收物得到妥善處理,環境保護署推出《 減廢回收約章 》,誠邀私人住宅的物業管理公司、業主立案法團、居民組織參加。 參加約章的私人住宅處所須承諾致力在屋苑或大廈範圍設立及維持適當和便利的回收系統,方便居民回收紙張、金屬、塑膠、玻璃容器、紙包飲品盒、廚餘等回收物,並把回收物交予可靠的回收商妥善處理。 他們也須備存各類回收物的運送紀錄、舉行宣傳教育,以及向住戶公布季度回收數據,以提升回收物管理績效。 環保署會於網上公布參加約章的屋苑和大廈名單,並頒發減廢回收證書和標貼以作表揚。 環保署綠展隊會向參加約章的私人住宅處所提供技術支援,包括申請免費回收桶,提供乾淨回收的宣傳教育資訊等。

  2. 4 天前 · Private residential premises signing the charter should commit to establishing and maintaining appropriate and convenient recycling facilities within the housing estates or buildings to enable residents to recycle paper, metals, plastics, glass containers, beverage cartons, food waste etc, and handing them over to reliable recyclers for processing.

  3. 4 天前 · Govt promotes low-carbon living. June 3, 2024. Chief Secretary Chan Kwok-ki today officiated at the Environment & Conservation Fund 30th anniversary "Let's Grow for Green" launch ceremony. Speaking at the event, Mr Chan pointed out that the Government has been formulating, implementing and enhancing various environmental protection-related ...

  4. 4 天前 · 2024年6月3日. 政務司司長陳國基今日出席環境及自然保育基金委員會舉辦的「環境及自然保育基金30周年 綠續未來」啟動禮。 他致辭時表示,要引領香港達致碳中和的長遠目標,單靠政府之力並不足夠,需要匯聚社會各界的智慧和力量。 陳國基表示,政府全力按照淨零發電、節能綠建、綠色運輸和全民減廢等多元策略,持續制訂、落實並完善各項環保政策措施,務求在2035年前將碳排放總量從2005年的水平減半,並在2050年前達致碳中和。 他指出,環境及自然保育基金正發揮積極角色,助力政府推行各項環保政策,也鼓勵市民身體力行,實踐低碳生活。 他續指,基金過去30年資助不少團體推展環保和自然保育項目,至今已累積逾7,000個,涵蓋社區減少廢物計劃、環保教育和社區參與活動、環保研究和技術示範等。

  5. 4 天前 · Hospitality Campaign launched. June 3, 2024. Secretary for Culture, Sports & Tourism Kevin Yeung today announced the launch of the Hospitality Campaign involving the Culture, Sports & Tourism Bureau, the Education Bureau, the Home Affairs Department, the Tourism Board as well as related government bodies, trades and the community. Mr Yeung said ...

  6. 6 天前 · Involving a total allocation of $200 million, the scheme offers subsidies to non-profit-making industry-led projects that increase exchange and co-operation between Hong Kong’s own professional services sector and external counterparts, promote relevant publicity activities, and enhance the sector’s overall standards and competitiveness.

  7. 4 天前 · The department made it clear that according to the recommendations of the Scientific Committee on Vaccine Preventable Diseases (SCVPD) under the Centre for Health Protection, both injectable inactivated influenza vaccines (IIV) and the nasal live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) are safe and can offer comparable protection.

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