雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 服務時間. 星期一至星期五 (公眾假期除外) 上午8時15分至下午12時30分 及. 下午1時30分至下午5時30分. 有關個別稅務事宜或稅務檔案的查詢. 關於個別稅務事宜或稅務檔案的查詢,請以電郵與. 重要提示. 電郵內容可能會被第三者截取。 如你的查詢涉及個人或機密資料,而你持有認可數碼證書, 你可利用本局電郵地址的公開密碼匙,把電郵加密。 在取得你的公開密碼匙後,我們亦會以電郵回覆。 此外,你亦可考慮以傳真或郵寄方式把查詢傳送給本局。 關閉.

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  3. 電子報稅人士獲准的延期. 透過互聯網提交報稅表,提交期限可獲延長如下:. 報稅表-個別人士:. 1個月. 物業稅報稅表:. 2星期. 有關透過互聯網提交利得稅報稅表的延期詳情,請按 這裡 。.

  4. Qualifying Annuity Premiums and Tax Deductible MPF Voluntary Contributions. deductible under Salaries Tax and Personal Assessment. The deduction is applicable to. Policy must be yourself and / or your spouse. The qualifying annuity premiums must. be paid by you and / or your spouse (not living apart). The annuitant of the policy must.

  5. How to Complete the Return. This part serves as notification to this Department of the item listed. If there are changes. in the item listed, please complete the relevant item as stated. existing or newly appointed. Department about the change of authorized representative under Profile Section. under Double Taxation Arrangement.

  6. 不備存足夠的出租收入紀錄而無合理辯解。. 逃稅是一項刑事罪行,最高刑罰 是罰款$50,000,另加相等於少徵稅款三倍的罰款及可. 判處監禁3年。. 對於逾期提交報稅表或提交不正確報稅表的個案,稅務局局長或副局長可根據《稅務條例》. 第82A條評定補加稅,以 ...

  7. If your enquiry is of a private and confidential nature, please consider sending the e-mail to us after logging in eTAX so as to minimize its vulnerability to third party interception and facilitate identity confirmation.

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