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    We are committed to provide patients with comprehensive and high quality services. 5th Floor, Granville House, 41C-D Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon


  1. 一張雙人大床 (150 x 200 cm) 兩張單人床 (90 x 200 cm) 設施. 免費無線網絡. LCD屏幕電視機. 熨斗及熨衣板(按要求提供). 預訂客房. 皇家太平洋酒店設有 673 間寬敞舒適的客房及套房,坐擁維多利亞港的迷人景觀,房間設計時尚簡約,致力為房客提供舒適的住宿體驗 ...

  2. 「粵」以各款匯聚傳統特色和嶄新創意的新派粵菜馳名,於 2014 年起成為 《米芝蓮指南香港澳門》推介餐廳之一 ,並以鴛鴦銀絲回味蟹及鳳躍天仙 (乾坤無花果鹹檸雞煲) 分別榮獲香港旅遊發展局主辦之 2016 及 2015 年美食之最大賞至高榮譽金獎。您可於戶外茶座的閒適氣氛下眺望優美海景,享用巧手 ...

  3. ROYAL PACIFIC HOTEL. HONG KONG. Positioned in an enviable harbourside location, Royal Pacific Hotel enjoys easy access to Hong Kong’s business and retail hubs. With views of Victoria Harbour, the hotel delivers convenience, comfort and connectivity to the best places to visit in Hong Kong.

  4. Extended Stay Packagefrom HK$16,800 per month. Valid from. 19-06-2024 to 31-12-2024. Check out all the latest offers from Royal Pacific Hotel, including rooms and dining privileges, or free attraction admission tickets. Book and save now.

  5. 詳情. 開放時間. 每天上午11時至中午12時 及 下午4時至5時. 受有關使用守則限制. 客人可於入住酒店後經網上、前往「鯊魚冒險島」接待處或致電 +852 2452 8662提前預約(需視乎名額而定)。 只供6歲或以上、身高超過120厘米及體重不超過100公斤之人士使用. 受有關使用守則限制. 服務會因應天氣或戶外活動影響暫停,而無須事前通知. 已預約黃金海岸飛天鋼索的客人,請提前於5分鐘前到鯊魚冒險島集合. 地點. 黃金海岸自然徑 (酒店正門對開高空繩網旁) 收費. 酒店住客: HK$40 / 兩次. 非酒店住客: HK$60 / 兩次. 返回. 黃金海岸酒店精心打造一系列頂級酒店設施,包括 24 小時健身房、帶滑梯的泳池,以及集趣味性與參與性爲一身的兒童遊樂室及親子活動空間。

  6. The Olympian is one of Hong Kong’s greatest urban gems, with 32 residential-sized rooms and suites anchored on a lush promenade by the Victoria Harbour. As the closest hotel of its kind to Hong Kong airport and mere minutes from Central, The Olympian’s West Kowloon location is the most convenient of all, offering green views, a grand porte ...

  7. 74 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong. (Main Entrance: 21 Stanley Street) Tel: +852 2308 3188. Stay at The Pottinger HK, a boutique hotel standing at the gateway between historic landmarks and happening hotspots. Explore old and new Hong Kong today.