雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年6月12日 · 芝加哥期權交易所波動指數(CBOE Volatility Index)(亦稱為「波動指數」,或簡稱為「VIX指數」)量度預期股市在未來30日的波幅。 數值本身並不是很重要, VIX指數實際的計算非常複雜。 投資者要知道VIX指數通常被稱為股市的「恐慌指數」,即如果VIX指數大幅上升,可能投資者會擔心未來幾天和幾週內股價會大幅波動。 筆者的同事Dan Caplinger最近就VIX指數撰寫了一篇精彩的文章,提供詳盡的資訊。 為什麼了解波動性很重要? 這篇文章並不是為了詳細介紹投資界所有的波動性術語,這些都是日常(非專業)投資者應知悉和理解的,與波動性相關的重要概念。 了解波動性的作用,有助理解大市的當前狀況,分析個別證券相關的風險,並建立一個非常適合您的增長目標和風險承受程度的股票投資組合。

  2. 2021年7月20日 · 利用18年週期我們同樣可以分析到樓市的變化,我們發現樓市在1985年開始,由於中英聯合聲合的簽署,香港限制賣地數目,所以樓價開始上升。 並循著18年的週期變化,之後到達2003年見底上升。

  3. 2022年7月27日 · 1.InMode是一家正在顛覆整形手術的高利潤公司. 整容手術行業是一個價值500億美元的市場,InMode憑藉公司由射頻 (RF)波驅動的非侵入性解決方案贏得了醫生青睞。 這隻股票的美妙之處在於它與Intuitive Surgical模式非常相似。 InMode將其射頻設備出售給整容外科醫生,它還擴展到其他垂直領域,如婦科醫生,但這不僅僅是一次性銷售。 每台設備都為InMode創造經常性收入流。 一旦醫療機構購買了其中一種設備,並且醫生開始使用它,每次使用該設備時,就會有更多資金流向InMode。 這被稱為“消耗品”收入,在第一季度佔公司銷售額16%左右。 這是一個甜蜜的商業模式,任何Intuitive Surgical投資者都可以證明這一點。

  4. 2021年8月3日 · 用江恩回顧2021年股市及展望下半年. 2021-08-03 江恩小龍劉君明. 筆者在2021年利用江恩理論,及經濟周期理論提出逢牛必轉的分析。. 當時指出每逢牛年股市都有機會出現轉勢,及留意2/3月,及6/7月的股市。. 結果股市在2月見頂後大幅下跌。. 那我們今天回顧2021年 ...

    • Operating and Net Margins
    • Debt Levels
    • Free Cash Flow
    • Foolish Takeaway

    Of the three companies, CNOOC appears to have the highest operating and net margins. This could be due to the way its business is structured, such that its cost base is the lowest among the three. Though all three oil and gas giants compete in almost all aspects of the E&P supply chain, CNOOC started off specialising in offshore upstream E&P, Petro...

    It is generally assumed that E&P companies will require lots of debt in order to finance their capital-intensive operations. Hence, E&P companies are usually heavily indebted, and the three Chinese oil and gas companies are no exception. However, Sinopec stands out here by having a net cash position of around RMB 28.8 billion, and this cash stash a...

    For free cash flow (FCF) generation, all three companies display healthy levels of FCF. CNOOC, however, has the lowest capital expenditure (capex) levels, while PetroChina clocked up the highest level of capex. Glancing at the numbers a year ago (for FY 2017), CNOOC had almost a similar level of capex at RMB 47.7 billion, while Sinopec recorded RMB...

    CNOOC is the winner of two out of the three categories and, for me, qualifies as the most attractive Chinese oil and gas stock. It has the highest operating and net margins while requiring the lowest capex but investors should keep a watchful eye on its debt levels to make sure these do not balloon out of control. 美股表現近年持續強勁,不知如何入手?我們精選了10隻高增長美股,並撰...

  5. English Investing Terms Explained 登入/登出(Login/logout) Log in Entries feed Comments feed WordPress.org Login with Patreon Recent Posts The First Thing You Should Do in 2021 Lemonade Says It Now Has Over 1 Million Active Clients Is Now the Time to ...

  6. The Hang Seng Index is a basket of the 50 largest and most liquid Hong Kong stocks, freefloat-adjusted and weighted by market cap. The index is widely considered to be the best indicator of how large Hong Kong stocks are performing on a day-to-day basis.