雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年12月28日 · 除了大門之外,窗戶亦是另一個容易被闖入的地方,特別是村屋和低層單位,故此務必安裝窗花或鐵枝,並確保它們緊嵌入牆身,和安裝優質的窗鎖,以策安全。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
    • Home Insurance Coverage
    • Fire Insurance Coverage
    • If A Piece of Window Glass Is Broken in A Typhoon, Will It Be Covered?
    • Purchasing Home Insurance with Building Structure Insurance
    • How to Make A Claim If Property Damage Is Caused in A Typhoon?

    Home insurance mainly covers damage to the home, as well as damage to and loss of property inside the home. The damage or loss can be caused by emergencies such as theft, fire, flooding, a typhoon, etc. Home insurance will also cover third-party legal liabilities for casualties. Some home insurance plans will go further to also cover property lost ...

    Why are typhoons and fire insurance related? Are we suggesting a typhoon can somehow end up causing a home fire? In truth, fire insurance does not just cover home fires, but also covers damage to building structures caused by a typhoon, bursting of a water pipe, a gas explosion, a mudslide, a vehicle-into-building crash, etc. The full name of fire ...

    If there is property damage inside the home because the window glass is broken, such as when a computer is damaged by rainwater, the property coverage under the home insurance plan will compensate for the loss. If, on the other hand, a window falls on the street and injures a passerby, the third-party legal liability coverage of the home insurance ...

    These days, many insurers will allow policyholders to add building structure insurance as a rider when they purchase home insurance. Naturally, the total premium will be lower, compared to purchasing two policies separately.

    If your home sustains damage in a typhoon and you need to claim compensation, the first thing you should do is take pictures of the damaged property and the home itself. You should also notify your insurance agent or broker, and provide the purchase receipts of the damaged property (if you have them on file) for the insurer’s reference. (With expen...

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  2. 2021年2月4日 · 汽車玻璃維修注意事項. 汽車玻璃裂縫修補通常都是逐吋逐吋來做因此裂痕超過一吋通常都不建議補一來時節省成本二來亦是為了安全著想。 而坊間的玻璃修補,是不可能做到百分之百原貌修復,怎樣都會有瑕疵,但至少通常可以通過運輸署的驗車車檢,讓司機可以保留原廠玻璃之餘,也不用動軏整塊玻璃更換。 通常一旦玻璃出現裂痕,最好盡快找合資格的維修師傅進行維修或更換,因為小孔可能變成大裂縫,且可避免裂縫中藏太多塵及酸雨。 如何減低換擋風玻璃的風險? 首先,正如上文所述,盡量避免在繁忙時段行經多泥頭車的路段,轉行其他道路。 在夏天,路面溫度熾熱,車胎接觸後就更容易黏着石仔飛彈。 而且夏天正值雨季,大雨過後的路面會特別多沙石。 司機在這些時候行車就應多加留神。

  3. 2013年10月30日 · During really hot and humid summer months, it is advisable to keep windows and doors closed during the day, but open at night. As temperatures cool down at night, or after a heavy period of rain, opening windows to allow a simple cross breeze to blow through the building from outside will help to keep the home properly ventilated.

  4. 2023年10月16日 · 香港的迴旋處分為傳統迴旋處同新式螺旋處兩種兩者的打燈方法同行車優先權對新手/ P牌司機尤其棘手,因為香港駕駛路試考場中,只有油塘設有迴旋處。 不少司機對迴旋處的用法有分歧,亦有司機常常佔用外圈令交通擠塞,甚至 cut 錯行車線導致車禍發生,部份迴旋處更成為交通黑點! 在今天的快而保文章中,我們會為大家剖析比較傳統迴旋處及新式螺旋處的異同,連同實戰案例分析! 比較傳統迴旋處及新式螺旋處異同. 路牌指示. 在進入迴旋處/螺旋處前,你會提前約 100 米看到「迴旋處」的三角形路牌,一般單支設置在行人道上。 而在迴旋處/螺旋處前約 50 米,你就會看到一塊巨型的藍色方向指示牌。 使用守則. 無論是傳統迴旋處還是新式螺旋處,司機也要遵守以下規矩: 進入迴旋處/螺旋處時,必須轉左駛入.

    • 窗花window1
    • 窗花window2
    • 窗花window3
    • 窗花window4
  5. Kwiksure has a range of plans available to protect your vehicle, both third-party insurance and comprehensive car insurance. Get a free quote now with our online quotation tool, or contact our team of insurance expert advisors to learn more about Kwiksure's car insurance plan !

  6. 2024年2月5日 · 本田 Honda 的魅力滲透不同年齡層,皆因旗下車款多元化,不同要求的用家也找到合適的車款。 當中包括新手司機最愛的 Jazz 系列;家庭之選的 STEPWGN 系列及 Freed 系列;主攻 SUV 市場的 CR-V 及 ZR-V;還有電動車 eN:1。 今次快而保為準備加入本田 Honda 的你,詳細解說本田 Honda 各車型性能特點及售價比較,令你更了解本田 Honda。 延伸閱讀: 【豐田Toyota香港價錢】豐田最新車款 - 型號性能及售價比較. 【寶馬BMW香港價錢】寶馬最新車款 - 型號性能及售價比較. 【平治Mercedes-Benz香港價錢】平治最新車款 - 型號性能及售價比較. 本田 Honda e:N1 - 頭炮抵港電動車.

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