雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 綠置居攪珠尾數 相關

  2. 本行向綠置居新盤買家,送上律師費優惠大禮,買家委託本行辦理手續,律師費只係 $4900!扺! #多條驚喜價查詢熱綫/Wts:62149999,62488888, 68299999(適用於所有1000萬以下一手樓)


  1. 首先要了解的是很多情況下在供款期間賣車是需要先向有關機構清還尾數贖會才行此外車主在選擇汽車貸款前應當深入了解所選擇的財務機構會否就提前清還尾數而收取多項手續費或服務費或是否需要罰息等等。 同時,亦要注意下手車主的續供安排。 靈活運用私人貸款選購汽車. 比起傳統汽車貸款,一筆過的私人貸款能讓你更靈活處理資金。 申請邦民日本財務即批私人貸款,全程無需現身 * ,亦無需提交「牌簿」作抵押,如想換車、續牌或換車牌號碼等情況,在處理上就會較汽車貸款更為方便! 貸款審批結果不受車種、車齡限制,自由度比上會大。 還款期更可長達84個月,隨時額外還款亦免收手續費和罰息,助您靈活解決買車資金煩惱。 無論哪類貸款都要務必留意條款!

  2. 尾數在完成工程驗收後才支付較佳 裝修貸款計劃該怎選擇? 若然已經參考裝修攻略和細閱裝修報價單項目後,仍遇上施工或裝修超支的問題,那該怎麼辦?

  3. The interest of Promise's loan is calculated on a daily basis, and the interest shall be reduced together with the principal. After the deduction of interest payable, the remaining amount of the payment will be treated as part of the outstanding principal repayment.

  4. 第六步:轉名過戶、支付尾數 當一切都確認妥當,車輛買賣雙方需在72小時內,進行轉名過戶程序。 買賣雙方都要帶同車輛過戶通知書正本、車輛登記文件正本、汽車保險(Cover Note)、買賣雙方身份證明文件(身份證/ 護照)及住址證明,相約到運輸署辦理過戶手續。

  5. Promise has been dedicated our professional service to helping Hong Kong people with their financial needs since 1992. Aside from our daily business, we also actively work with other communities in Hong Kong through various activities planning to achieve sustainability under ESG framework. We are dedicated to promoting environmental protection ...

  6. www.promise.com.hk › en › faqFAQ | Promise HK

    Browse all the FAQs to find out about the loan application and approval process, handling fees, settlement, revolving loan, and repayment. Overview of Loan Product Information: The minimum and maximum repayment period is 3 months and 84 months respectively.

  7. If your account type is under "revolving", the credit would still be retained even if your loan is repaid. If you want to apply for a loan, you can click here to apply through the member zone or dial our 24-hour Member Hotline, 3199 1111 or visit any Promise branches.