雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. ABRSM 宣布將從2024年1月起推出爵士樂的線上音樂演奏等級考試,此適用於鋼琴、長笛、單簧管、薩克管、小號和長號1至5級考試。 詳情請瀏覽 ABRSM網頁 。

  2. 英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會 2023-2024 年鋼琴第二級考試內容與規則 此網頁內容僅供參考, 正式內容請見原文考試內容摘要(syllabus)

  3. Working towards an ABRSM exam encourages the development of musical skills, knowledge and understanding that can provide the foundation for a life-long love of music. All our assessments offer carefully structured requirements and goals along with objective assessment and recognition for progress.

  4. gb.abrsm.org › zh_tw › our-examsPiano - ABRSM

    You can use the new pieces in exams from 1 January 2025. There’s also a one-year overlap period ending on 31 December 2025. During this period you can choose your three set pieces from the 2023 & 2024 syllabus. Piano Prep Test – new tunes and pieces

  5. New diplomas from 2024 – our new Music Performance LRSM and FRSM will be available on demand as digital assessments from April 2024. We will provide information about our new ARSM, LRSM and FRSM diplomas in Teaching and Directing when available.

  6. 英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會 2023-2024 年鋼琴第五級考試內容規則 此網頁內容僅供參考, 正式內容請見原文考試內容摘要(syllabus)

  7. 英國皇家音樂學院聯合委員會 2023-2024 鋼琴第四級考試內容與規則 此網頁內容僅供參考, 正式內容請見原文考試內容摘要(syllabus)